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Trying to combine 2 pics

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Ok, I'm very new been using paintnet since just before Thanksgiving 2010. I have made 2 sig pics. One I just recolored and the other I just added a college football team logo onto a funny pic. That's probably what I'll be doing most of the time, but I'm discovering that there's so much you can do with this thing.

I'm wanting to get deeper into it, so here's what I'm trying to do now: I have a nice pic that I am wanting to add something to.

I want to add a pic of our next quarterback to this pic, which is an orb figure with lightening bolts. I need to cut out or delete all the background stuff in the existing QB pic and add him (just the QB) to the orb pic!!!

any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've been looking at that "most copied" sig thingy by Pyro and I really want to make one of those...so I'll ask a 2nd question while here: when I download the plugins , do they automatically go into my paintnet stuff or do I gotta go get them somewhere else to use them?



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OK, here's what I'm trying to do...

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll50/vtdad/logantsunburst.png to cut out the player in this pic minus the background.

and add him onto this pic I found on here today!!!

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll50/vtdad/OandMexplosion.png I think this is very close to VT colors Orange and Maroon.

This is guy is going to be our QB for the next few years and I was wanting to jazz up a pic to put on our message board.

Thanks for being patient with me.....I'm 57 yrs. old and not too PC savy, I have been stumbling my way through trying to learn to use Paintnet. I'll probably just use it to make sig pics and stuff like that.



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No problem. =) Although PDN is easy to learn, it does have a bit of a learning curve...

The links I posted should be of some help, but also look at the other tuts in the "Newbie Playground". They're all very helpful. The tut about layers may help you out if you're just starting out.

The Exploding Planet picture you posted is actually very easy to make by following the tut and you could learn, and become better at the program by making your own background instead of using one that someone else made =D And you could also get the colors closer to the school's colors =)

Good luck!

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Well, I have a really dumb question, in the tut on how to do the "Most downloaded sig" thingy by Pyrochild...I counted 7 different plugins.

Do I have to install each one of those one at a time or what? I'd like to get that on in Orange and Maroon and I really like the water reflection feature. I plan to make that one and give it to my daughter she is a VT grad.



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there are plug-in packs that contain many different plug-ins, and while i havent checked about that particular tut, i would advise you to go ahead and download and install all of the pinned plug-ins - it will save time later

ok went and looked at the tut- youre gonna need to install three plug-in packs http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/7291-pyrochild-plugins-2010-12-31-new-years-eve-edition/-pyros

http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/7186-madjik-all-plugins-last-updated-ymd100726/ - majiks

http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13003-evans-effects-v17-december-4-2009/-evanolds and dont forget the font listed

but honestly. you could have found this out reading the tut carefully

and in the plug-in forums there is a tut on installing plug-ins http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/36-how-to-install-pluginsgeneral-plugin-troubleshooting/

Edited by mountnman


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I work for the power company so with all this snow I've been busy. I downloaded ( or I think I did) the graident bars thingy...I do not understand how to put it or make it go into my paintnet program????

sorry to be so pc stupid.


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Well, I know I'm doing something wrong!!! But what?

Here's the response I get when I try to download the Gradient Bars. "The image is not recognized and cannot be opened"...

I follow the instructions verbatim on downloading Plugins, I seem to be getting one step away from being done and I get the message that it cannot be opened!!!! I am using Google Chrome and I think I have the most recent version of Paintnet.

I even wrote the instructions down on paper so as to NOT have to flip back and forth on the screen ans possibly miss something.



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It might be helpful if you could post a full-size screenshot including that error message.

Upload to ImageShack and post the Direct Link URL here.




Also, pls. say what OS version you are using. (XP, Vista, etc.)

Edited by Sarkut
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This thing is getting to me! Every time I try to download the Gradient bars plugin OR the other plugins to make me one of Pyrochild's sig thingy, I keep getting a window that pops us wanting me to register Winzip!!!! And when I think I have it (gradient bars)downloaded, I see a window open to my photobucket where all my pics are listed and it shows up as something called index5!!!

I use Google Chrome and windows XP. I hope whatever I'm doing wrong is something simple but I can't figure it out!!!

Gettin pretty frustrated here.



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