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TIF format invalid

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When I open up a bitonal tiff image (CCITT4 format) and save it without actually doing anything, the file increases seven fold (e.g. my 100k file becomes 700k). It seems to be using a different compression format as the software I use that reads CCITT4 fails with this newly saved image.

btw, If I open it up in the default windows image viewer and rotate it then save it, it is ok (the same size and is recognised as CCITT4).

Anyone got any ideas?


Edited by chucklepie
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Anyone got any ideas?

TIFF support in Paint.NET is rudimentary at best. It is included only as a convenience, not as a major feature and it is not likely to get better in the future.

If you need better TIFF support, I would suggest a commercial graphics program.

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As far as writing a plugin goes, the difficulty you'll run into is not being able to override the built-in TIFF codec. Other plugins have gotten around this by using an alternate extension, e.g. *.agif, and requiring the user to rename afterward.

For v4 I'm actually thinking about allowing certain codecs to be overriden, like TIFF. That way I can continue my stance of "please use PNG instead" while allowing users to change things if they need to.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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