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Where to download 3.5.4?

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Hi there!  I'm a longtime user of Paint.NET but am not religious about upgrading, mostly because the older version I was using works so well!  One of my PCs I had an older version of Paint.NET, version 2.61, and just hadn't gotten around to upgrading.  Unfortunately, I will never be able to use 3.5.5 on this PC as it has hardware issues with XP SP3, and I am stuck on XP SP2.  Is there a way I can still get a copy of 3.5.4 which I understand is the last release of Paint.NET that will still run on XP SP 2?  I tried adjusting the URL of the download link to reference 3.5.4, and that allowed me to download a file, but alas the downloaded ZIP file still contained 3.5.5.   Thanks for any help you can provide, and thanks for such a great program!

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Rule number 7:

7) You must be using the latest version of Paint.NET, available here. This is a requirement. If you want to stay with an older version then that is your right, but we cannot help you. If you are unable to upgrade, then please post in the troubleshooting section.

"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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Thanks again... read the rules now.  I'd seen the post at the top of the forum but assumed it was the same as the user agreement that I'd seen when I registered.  If similar language was in the user agreement, I missed it.  Understand completely if this thread ends up deleted... otherwise if it lingers, as a way to help make it actually useful instead of unwanted noise...  I did find a copy of 3.5.4 at another site but was looking here because I preferred to get the file pure and direct from the source rather than risk getting some possibly infected or corrupted file from a less-reliable source.  And yep, I consider everywhere but getpaint.net to be less reliable since they're not affiliated with this site.  (Or unless again I've missed something and there's another place that _is_ affiliated with the site?  Would be good to know.)  Also, not that it is reason why this post shouldn't be deleted, or this username banned... but just to explain.  I *did* try searching first for "old version" and "3.5.4" on the site, both through the search interface on the forum, and by opening the FAQ and searching for the same, and found nothing about either before posting.  So maybe there's a way to post a copy of the rules or at least portions that relate to old versions, etc., in the FAQ?  Because if it's irritating enough that there needs to be a rule about it, it's probably also a valid FAQ.   Anyway, please, don't take any of this as complaints, I love the software, have recommended it to dozens of people over the years and am just commenting on my experience here to hopefully yield some insight into what at least one user was thinking when seeming to disregard the rules.  Again, not intentional, and I apologize.

Edited by pyrochild
Don't post links to old versions either
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I did find a copy of 3.5.4 at another site but was looking here because I preferred to get the file pure and direct from the source rather than risk getting some possibly infected or corrupted file from a less-reliable source.

If you want to check whether a Paint.NET installer is pure, check the digital signature.


If anyone else is interested in the link I found to 3.5.4, here it is, hope it cuts down on any more annoying requests: [sNIP]    Thanks again!

If Rick had wanted people to easily find links to old versions, he would have posted it. The rules are intentionally vague about it to discourage people from using older versions.

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Is there a way I can still get a copy of 3.5.4 which I understand is the last release of Paint.NET that will still run on XP SP 2?

It's so much easier and better to just install SP3. It's free, for cryin' out loud! It's 2 years old! You've had plenty of time! It's free! Please! Do it!

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