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[REQ] remember file extension on save

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I use Paint.net in for my stamp collection hobby and I love it. One issue I run into all the time though is I scan a page of stamps (say 20-30) open the image in Paint.net, perform any color correction etc. so that I feel it is pleasant representation, and then I will go and

Select (CRTL-S)

<pick a stamp in the large image>

Copy (CTRL-C)

New Image (CTRL-N)

Save AS (CTRL-Shift-S)

I save all of stamp in folders by country (since the catalogue numbers can be duplicated by countries). So I find the folder and.... oh oh.... the format is .PNG.

Now I have to "TAB" "J" to select JPEG and hit enter.

While I'd love to save them all as PNGs, the file size difference in my case is typically 2-3 times (the stamps I collect tend to be not very colorful - so compress really well).

I repear this for the rest of the sheet.

Since the extension is not remembered (and I have found no way to set a default) I have to do this every time. The "save folder" is remembered which really helps since I am typically processing these images by country in batches.

I have done this over 3000 times so far, but have likely 45000 times more to go. That would be a savings of 90000 key strokes!


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I've actually chosen not to do this because I believe it is the worse alternative. JPEG is a lossy format, so it would be bad if Paint.NET defaulted to a format that reduced the quality of images you created with it.

Instead, Paint.NET only ever defaults to lossless formats, and makes simple and standard keyboard shortcuts available such as Tab, J.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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I've actually chosen not to do this because I believe it is the worse alternative. JPEG is a lossy format, so it would be bad if Paint.NET defaulted to a format that reduced the quality of images you created with it.

Instead, Paint.NET only ever defaults to lossless formats, and makes simple and standard keyboard shortcuts available such as Tab, J.

Fair enough... I use .png for all of my application icons (but for photo scans the JPEG format gives me sufficient quality (with reduced sizes). Afterall, I am not the library of congress (these are for my records). I guess what I was asking for might have been missed. If you are not willing to put in a "default" property, is there a way to at least remember the file extension for the session? ie. once I user chooses .gif, .png, .xxx that is the default extension on the next save-as?


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Google search "Macro Recorders"

Make a macro to perform the following actions from a single keyboard shortcut of your choosing:

Copy (CTRL-C)

New Image (CTRL-N)


Ctrl V

Save AS (CTRL-Shift-S)



So, if your macro shortcut is two keystrokes, but will eliminate twelve keystrokes,

this would save you 450,000 keystrokes.

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Fair enough... I use .png for all of my application icons (but for photo scans the JPEG format gives me sufficient quality (with reduced sizes). Afterall, I am not the library of congress (these are for my records). I guess what I was asking for might have been missed. If you are not willing to put in a "default" property, is there a way to at least remember the file extension for the session? ie. once I user chooses .gif, .png, .xxx that is the default extension on the next save-as?

Safe to say that you haven't missed anything.

Even in a single session, if Paint.NET were to remember the last format then this could play games with when you don't want this behavior. For example, if you (or someone else) had a photo open, and then did some non-photo stuff, etc. I think it's better to have predictable behavior which minimizes the risk of accidentally losing quality at the cost of extra keystrokes, instead of predictable behavior that potentially results in lost quality.

I don't disagree with you want. I simply think the current behavior is much safer.

If you open a JPEG, and then go to save it again later, then Paint.NET does remember to use JPEG. It won't, however, if you add layers and then go to save before flattening. In that case it will default to .PDN which is the only stock multilayer format available.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Google search "Macro Recorders"

Make a macro to perform the following actions from a single keyboard shortcut of your choosing:

Copy (CTRL-C)

New Image (CTRL-N)


Ctrl V

Save AS (CTRL-Shift-S)



So, if your macro shortcut is two keystrokes, but will eliminate twelve keystrokes,

this would save you 450,000 keystrokes.

I used AutoHotkey and you are right... this worked like a charm. Just needed to adjust the macro to use the current active window title but yep, all I do now is....

"S" - select my stamp outline with the mouse (someone recommended a sprint builder - but unfortunately stamps are different sizes....)

Win-S (run the macro)

type the stamp number and hit enter.

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