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Exif Data

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Is it possible to retain exif data in an image edited by paint.net?

I searched the forum and read the first dozen responses. Only one of them seem related to this issue and that poster never received a response.

I searched the help files but found no entries for exif data.

I'm not sure if this is a flaw in the way I'm using paint.net, something that isn't implemented yet, or something paint.net isn't meant to do.

I'd like to edit my photos in paint.net and retain the exif data for display on my blog.

Any advice is appreciated.



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All the built-in codecs try to preserve EXIF data. If the underyling codec implementation (e.g. GDI+) discards that then there's not much that can be done.

JPEG usually works the best for preserving EXIF in Paint.NET.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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All the built-in codecs try to preserve EXIF data. If the underyling codec implementation (e.g. GDI+) discards that then there's not much that can be done.

JPEG usually works the best for preserving EXIF in Paint.NET.

Sorry, its taken me so long to get back and thanks for the reply!

I'm taking a jpeg image from my Nikon, resizing it in paint.net, and saving it as a jpeg. The saved image has no exif data. Is this everyone's experience...?

I tinkered around with this I think I discovered the issue (my issue really). I'm cropping the image by creating a fixed size selection and then copying that selection into a new image. The new image does not inherit the Exif data.

My duh... :(

Sorry to trouble you.


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If it did, then Paint.NET would presumably have to decide in which cases EXIF data should be copied over.

I don't mean to suggest that it should. It was simply my mistake in thinking that the selection I copied 'was the picture which contained the EXIF data'. It's really just a matter of the wrong frame of reference for me.

Thanks for everyone's help.


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