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Brush tool

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I don't know if a thread has been made but, all I'm suggesting is a good brush tool.

I know there's a "mini" one out that someone has made as a plugin, but to be fair it's not brillient is it?

Whenver I use the tool it wont show the image i'm working on, just a blank transparent image. Which isnt great if you want the brush image to be somewhere specific on your project.

I understand that I can just move it around, but some parts get cut off.

I'm not demanding it, just in for suggestion of a good brush tool. I believe it's what most users would be happy with. Me being one, seeing as you can do a lot with brushes these days.

Thats all I really have to say, and good luck if it's already being worked on. :)


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That suggestion has been made plenty of times. Brushes are being planned for Paint.NET 4.0, but that won't release for quite some time. The Custom Brushes plug-in is what you're going to have to work with for now. :wink:

Please check out the Paint.NET roadmap to see what is being planned for 4.0: Paint.NET Roadmap

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I don't know if a thread has been made but, all I'm suggesting is a good brush tool.

I know there's a "mini" one out that someone has made as a plugin, but to be fair it's not brillient is it?

Whenver I use the tool it wont show the image i'm working on, just a blank transparent image. Which isnt great if you want the brush image to be somewhere specific on your project.

I understand that I can just move it around, but some parts get cut off.

I'm not demanding it, just in for suggestion of a good brush tool. I believe it's what most users would be happy with. Me being one, seeing as you can do a lot with brushes these days.

Thats all I really have to say, and good luck if it's already being worked on. :)

See reply below.

That suggestion has been made plenty of times. Brushes are being planned for Paint.NET 4.0, but that won't release for quite some time. The Custom Brushes plug-in is what you're going to have to work with for now. :wink:

Please check out the Paint.NET roadmap to see what is being planned for 4.0: Paint.NET Roadmap

Thats much nicer than what I had planned to say. :lol: But yes you are correct, it has been requested many times and I'm sure that all efforts are being made to create this feature. With that being as it is, Scorpio, I take great exception to your comment "I know there's a "mini" one out that someone has made as a plugin, but to be fair it's not brillient is it?" Actually it is quite brilliant. And it's very useful. Maybe if you planned your images a little better and spent more time learning more PdN tips you would realize there are ways to achieve what you want with the tools you have available. Maybe since you are so "brilliant" maybe you could offer to write a plugin that is more "brilliant" than Custom Brushes Mini, which by the way is one of my personal favorites. The members here that know me know that I usually don't bite other members, but in this case I thought a good bite was called for. Maybe reading more of the topics would have clued you into the fact that this topic has been discussed at great length. This is a free program, maybe the greatest free program of all time, but I can tell you that it is not free to Rick or the other people who develop the plugins and work hard on this forum as Admins or Moderators. They spend their time and patience on this project and as everyone knows, time is money. That is time they spend away from their families or other aspects of their lives so we can have this great program to enjoy FOR FREE. Maybe you should be a little more thankful and humble in your comments in the future.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Whenver I use the tool it wont show the image i'm working on, just a blank transparent image.

You can see the image if you work on the current layer, but unfortunately Paint.NET doesn't let plugins read other layers. So without doing something that'd get it removed from the forum or overcomplicating it by letting users choose a background image, there's nothing I can do.

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Thank you Simon, and thank you for the wonderful plugin.

Scorpio, if you could post an example of the image that you are working on, maybe someone would be able to help you better. For example, say I have a background that I want to add some characters to but the background is in multiple layers. Save your image and flatten it (do not save it flattened and then hit ctrl z to un-flatten it later). Select all and copy it to a new image. Open the Custom Brushes Mini and choose a bright contrasting color and paint what you want on the new image. Then with the magic wand select the parts you just painted and save them to a new layer. You may have to run feather to clean them up a little, or not, and then you can paste them as a new layer into your original drawing that you have unflattened with ctrl z. Then you can use the color filter (or one of the many other color modifiers) to change the color to what you wish.

Sorry for biting you earlier. There seems to be a new trend on this forum to be rude to other people. While some members don't care, many of us do and it is not acceptable to be rude and make comments like you did. Please be respectful of the other members and you too will be treated with respect. If you choose not do do so, then you can be assured that you will be treated rudely and get bitten again. Maybe the next time it will be by someone with bigger teeth.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Thank you Simon, and thank you for the wonderful plugin.

Scorpio, if you could post an example of the image that you are working on, maybe someone would be able to help you better. For example, say I have a background that I want to add some characters to but the background is in multiple layers. Save your image and flatten it (do not save it flattened and then hit ctrl z to un-flatten it later). Select all and copy it to a new image. Open the Custom Brushes Mini and choose a bright contrasting color and paint what you want on the new image. Then with the magic wand select the parts you just painted and save them to a new layer. You may have to run feather to clean them up a little, or not, and then you can paste them as a new layer into your original drawing that you have unflattened with ctrl z. Then you can use the color filter (or one of the many other color modifiers) to change the color to what you wish.

Sorry for biting you earlier. There seems to be a new trend on this forum to be rude to other people. While some members don't care, many of us do and it is not acceptable to be rude and make comments like you did. Please be respectful of the other members and you too will be treated with respect. If you choose not do do so, then you can be assured that you will be treated rudely and get bitten again. Maybe the next time it will be by someone with bigger teeth.

I'm not being rude, nor am I saying the tool isnt worthy. I'm just pointing out a flaw and suggesting paint.net work on it, and it wasnt a demand either.

And thanks DarkShock, I havnt seen that so it helps. :)

And thanks Simon for telling me why it does this! :)

Also, even though your posts were abit overdone for the topic Possum Roadkill, thanks for the tips.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Whenever I use the tool it won't show the image i'm working on, just a blank transparent image.

As a variation from the work-around suggested by

Possum Roadkill.

Flatten the image, select all and copy, unflatten and paste into a new layer.

Do the custom-brushing on the newly-made full-image layer,

okay it, then make a new layer and press Ctrl F.

You now have your custom-brushwork on its own

transparent layer.

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