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Paint.NET for UBUNTU 9.10: When?

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I recommend reading the FAQ. It clearly states that there are no plans to develop for non Windows systems, much less the Mono platform. However, if you perform some research I believe you can find a rather outdated version of Miguel De'Icaza's Paint-Mono, which is a semi working port to the mono platform.


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I recommend reading the FAQ. It clearly states that there are no plans to develop for non Windows systems, much less the Mono platform. However, if you perform some research I believe you can find a rather outdated version of Miguel De'Icaza's Paint-Mono, which is a semi working port to the mono platform.

I mean,i know there is no plans for that. I ask when is planned to start with that project. I found Paint.NET great and Ubuntu is one of the most popular linux platforms (and it's free, just like Paint.NET), so i think it's highly recomended a releade for Debian Linux versions.

I'm sure i'm not the first one who ask for the same, but i'm sure that between developers that questiosn has to be already discussed.. or?

Happy new year!


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The problem, if I recall correctly, is that there is no support for p/invokes in Mono which Paint.NET relies heavily on.

I guess it might be possible to get Mono to use Wine for those.


Running Paint.NET through the Mono Migration Analyser it seems PDN won't run under Mono until a few more methods are implemented in Mono. It claims no P/Invokes are called, i'm guessing that's because MoMA doesn't recurse into dependencies (?) and there are no P/Invokes in the shell (?).


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When is it planed to release a Debian version of Paint.NET? ah? WHEN??

Never ever.

There are plenty of resources abound that talk about this, no need for a thread/discussion here. No disrespect intended, this just isn't really the place for a Linux discussion of any kind.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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