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Save $10 with this Passport Teplate

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Here is a US Passport Photo template I created to help compose my son's picture.

I got 6 pictures on a single 4x6 print at my local pharmacy for $0.20.

[2 for the passport; 2 for visas; 2 for the Grandmas]

It is intended to help beginner paint.net users.

Step 1: Use the guidelines found at the official US DoS site:

http://travel.state.gov/passport/guide/ ... n_874.html

Step 2: Open the attached "PTemplate" file in Paint.Net.

Step 3: Press F4 and set Opacity to 150.

Step 4: Add your portrait using pull-down "Layers" then "Import From File..."

Step 4b: Add portrait by creating new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) then paste image copied to clipboard.

Step 5: Highlight the portrait layer.

Step 6: Using the "Rectangle Select" tool, scale and center your portrait.

-Eyes should be positioned inside the blue box.

-Head should be about as tall as the red circle.

Step 6: Be sure you have a properly scaled & positioned 2x2in. portrait.

Step 7: Select the "Background" layer (this is the template layer)

Step 8: Delete this layer using the "red X" icon in the layers pop-up window.

Step 9: Save file as (Ctrl+Shift+S); Enter name file; Choose JPEG in "Save as type" pulldown.

[step 9 is important if you plan to print at a pharmacy's Do-It-Yourself workstation.]

Step 10: Print your photo and review guidelines again at UD DoS site.

I have attached the template and my son's "composed" photo as an example that you can open as a layer and practice with.


If you are printing at a Pharmacy's do-it-yourself workstation, YOU MUST paste your 2x2 portraits to the 4x6 grid that I included. (Otherwise your 2x2 inch picture will be automatically scaled to the print paper size -a 4x4 portrait on a 4x6 inch print- you don't want this!) I figured this out the hard way and made 2 trips, but I still got 6 prints for $0.20! (Save time and money!) Just bring your file saved as "*.JPG" on a SD card, USB flash drive; Memory Stick; or CD.




What is... is a subset of WHAT IS POSSIBLE. -Martin Buber

Be good. -Edwin B. Giventer

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Nothing illegal; You still have to submit the photo with your Passport application.

This is just to help with composition.

It allows you to print it out yourself for $0.20 cents rather than shelling out $10.

I added the USDoS "layout" from the application. (It doesn't provide guidance on "eye placement"

PS- If you are printing at a Pharmacy's do-it-yourself workstation, paste your 2x2 portraits to the 4x6 grid that I included. (otherwise your 2x2 inch picture will be automatically scaled to the print paper size -you don't want this!) I had to make 2 trips, but I still got 6 prints for $0.20! (save time and money!)

What is... is a subset of WHAT IS POSSIBLE. -Martin Buber

Be good. -Edwin B. Giventer

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Yeah, I'd rather spend the $10 and know it's done right the first time than waste the time mailing back and forth to get it right.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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It allows you to print it out yourself for $0.20 cents rather than shelling out $10.

... Assuming you have the $100 printer and everything :) Good intentions though, and it could help some people out.

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