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I need to make text wrap around an orb

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for the life of me i cant find a way to wrap text around an orb. I need to use layer to place the text over a raindrop,

the letters are transparent and looks ok, but i'd like the word to wrap with the drop. I know there's got to be an effect for that , and i have the mega effects package, but cant find what i need. thanks for any help.

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If the text is on a transparent layer, you could use Shape3D and have the text wrapped around a sphere. Play around with the settings to make the sphere match the size of a raindrop.

I have it in my plugins according to my Program files, but i cant find it on Paint.net. What is it supposed to be under? It is a transparent layer on top of the layer i want to morph it into. It's only four letters, so all i really want is the first and last letter to become taller and wider, ya know?

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Hmmm. you could try Circle Text plugin. You may have to play with the settings & use spaces. Then maybe use Lens?

Not sure on this one but I hope someone will have a better answer.

I cant use the "text" action and write the word, I have a transparent layer of the word so the font remains the same. otherwise if i had to type it i'd have to find the correct font and it's not available.

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I have it in my plugins according to my Program files, but i cant find it on Paint.net. What is it supposed to be under? It is a transparent layer on top of the layer i want to morph it into. It's only four letters, so all i really want is the first and last letter to become taller and wider, ya know?

Look under "Render" it should have a little green cube as an icon. You'll have to play around with the settings a lot but it should do what you're wanting to do.



(Click top half for DeviantArt gallery) (Click bottom half for Paint.NET gallery)

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If you cut-out the top part of the image at the division between the top of the

base of the splash and the blue area that "palm" rests on, then try

various distort effects on the text, it may give you what you want.

I think the PowerStretch plugin applied at different areas and in differing

directions might be good. After editing the top part, put its layer under

the bottom part's layer for a clean blending of the two parts back together.

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This was done by making an elliptical selection around "palm",

copying and pasting into a new layer, and applying PowerStretch here and there.

Smudge was used around the edges to help it blend with the background.

No cutting-out was needed.



Working with a smaller piece may be less strain on things,

and avoid the shutting down problem.

Edited by Sarkut
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Holy moly, that's perfect! Thanks, i think i want to use that if thats ok with you! I have about 200 free GB on this laptop, i just bought it. It's running Win 7, 64bit, with 6 GB of Ram, so i hope it's not my computer...It's strange, maybe i'll uninstall the Dll.'s that came with that package, and re-install by itself. IDK, but i know one thing, you did me a solid. Thanks a million. I create Themes for the Palm Pre for fun. If you want to check them out go to Prethemer.com and search for Holley2583, then click themes. Im about to upload a Betty Boop thats almost ready. The image you edited for me is gonna be my next venture. I really need to learn how to do this stuff. Im still very basic with my editing and would like to eventually be able to make my own icons amongst other things. Thanks again.

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Sure, you're welcome to it.

I'll check out Prethemer to see what else you've done.

Cheers. :)


P.S. Be sure to always download your plugin files from the

plugin section of these forums, as this is the official source

and will always have the most up-to-date files.

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Sure, you're welcome to it.

I'll check out Prethemer to see what else you've done.

Cheers. :)


P.S. Be sure to always download your plugin files from the

plugin section of these forums, as this is the official source

and will always have the most up-to-date files.

OK, yeah, that makes sense. I have a handful of plug ins that couldnt dl correctly from the Mega file dl with like hundreds of plugs. So as soon as im finished trying to get Betty Boop finished Im gonna switch concepts completely and work on the "drop" theme. I have these silver icons, i used in an Avatar theme, and i really want to use them again and thought about using them with that wallpaper you so perfectly edited for me. But...im sorta thinking maybe not. Silver and water i suppose could work together since they're both shiny and light in color. Here i uploaded a couple...what do you think, can they work together ok?



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Now i'd like to find a way to lightly add the "swirly" color like on the bubble to add to other images if that's at all possible. I looked for some kind of plug-in and what i already have installed, but cant find anything that would give me that effect. any ideas? im attaching the images.



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