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Brush Shapes?

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Hi all,

Is there either a way to change your brush shape, or a plugin that has numerous brush shapes?

Also, is there a way to have a brush color solidly, instead of gradiated? I notice that when I use my magic wand or paintbucket to fill in an area, I get white spots around the outlines. It's annoying to have to go down and fill it in pixel by pixel.

Thanks in advance. :)


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Also, is there a way to have a brush color solidly, instead of gradiated? I notice that when I use my magic wand or paintbucket to fill in an area, I get white spots around the outlines. It's annoying to have to go down and fill it in pixel by pixel.

Since Simon skipped over this question, I'll answer.

What you are referring to is called aliasing/anti-aliasing. When the lighter edges appear around the brush marks, it's because they are anti-aliased.

If you notice, it should have :AntiAliasingOn: at the top of the screen. If you click that, it should go to :AntiAliasingOff: which would fill in the entire area you brush with solid color

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Sorry about the much delayed response; it's been busy here. ><

Custom brushes ;)

lol Uh, yeah. THanks. Now, is there a link to a plugin I could have, possibly? That would be wonderful. ^_^

Since Simon skipped over this question, I'll answer.

What you are referring to is called aliasing/anti-aliasing. When the lighter edges appear around the brush marks, it's because they are anti-aliased.

If you notice, it should have :AntiAliasingOn: at the top of the screen. If you click that, it should go to :AntiAliasingOff: which would fill in the entire area you brush with solid color

Aaah! I wondered what the whole aliasing thing was about. Thank you very kindly. :D


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