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Hi all!

I've just recently remade the iTunes navigation bar from their website (at the top of the page)

I havn't got round to making a tutorial yet, but I'll try and sort that out soon.

Here it is:


Top ones mine, bottom ones iTunes'.

Also, here's the .pdn file:

iTunes Bar.pdn

Seriously, it's worth a look!

Zacariem :D

They said we couldn't fly.

We did.

Anythings possible!



pretty good, but to make the buttons look "glassy" do another layer and make a white gradient then go to layer properties and change the layer opacity... if that makes any sense :P


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^


@ Rubbery & jake2k

Yeah I'll give that a go sometime

@ Rick

OK fair enough. A may post a tutorial when I get chance.

They said we couldn't fly.

We did.

Anythings possible!


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