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GIF Optimizing / Compressing

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Would anyone be so kind as to tell me HOW to optimize/compress GIF's with this program? I'm trying to make my images into smaller files on my website. A "flow" of how to do it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for my "newbyness". :?

I have seen programs such as GIFcruncher and such for sale, but if theres a way to do it with paint.net, I'd like to.


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If you go to File>Save as.

Then in the little drop down menu bellow where you type the file name you select .GIF.

Click save and a box with various sliders will appear, you can play with these sliders to make thing see through ect, you can see as you move the sliders how it affects your work.

BTW for images on the web I use .JPEG with the quality slider to full.

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  • 1 month later...

No. There are no plans to further enhance the GIF export capabilities of Paint.NET.

I recommend using PNG instead, it is a far superior file format.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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