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How to make get paint.net plugins, In 2022?!

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1 hour ago, Undertalekid12 said:

... but something outdated.


You're wrong. Follow the first link from @BoltBait's second post. All the material is adapted to the new versions paint.net. See the information about CodeLab. Check out the materials in the 'Plugins - Publishing ONLY Forum!'. Many authors publish the source code of their plugins. This information can be the starting point of your future plugin.

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The next big update for Paint.NET will also have a big change (addition) to the effects system for plugins. Namely, you will now be able to write an effect that uses the GPU for rendering, utilizing Direct2D, DirectWrite, and WIC (Windows Imaging Component), along with pixel shaders. I have been creating and maintaining some samples that show how it's done over at https://github.com/paintdotnet/PdnGpuEffectSamples, so be sure to "star" the repository so you can get updates/notifications. (The repository is in pre-rough draft state. It will be much more complete as we approach the release of the next big update, hopefully sometime later this year.)


I also post information on my Twitter, https://twitter.com/rickbrewPDN, for example:






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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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