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Shift-click tool - Paint Net

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Is there a way to have this feature?
Gimp, photoshop, illustrator, they have this function of making straight curves with the brush, pencil and eraser, this is useful when painting or erasing imperfections, adding details faster, that is, the function consists of making a point in a sector, keeping the shift key you click to another point, in another sector, and there the line is formed.

I have heard that this has already been implemented, as I read in previous posts about this, the function is activated with the alt key, instead of the shift key.

However, this does not work.

Is there a plugin to get this function?

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16 hours ago, Tony Mcilrath said:

straight curves with the brush


This sounds like an oxymoron 😁.  Hi and welcome to the forum :)


16 hours ago, Tony Mcilrath said:

keeping the shift key you click to another point, in another sector, and there the line is formed.


This sound a bit like the pen tool in PS, which paint.net does not do :(


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I've already tried that plugin, but the truth is, I need that function in the brush and eraser, since it is not comfortable to be opening tools / windows to paint or erase, I need a quick access such as the shift + click function, hopefully it can be implemented in a future, or that a plugin can be developed for it.

I hope I can find an alternative where I can paint and erase at the same time that I can create lines by holding a specific key.

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