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Feature Request [Add support for common printing sizes to New... dialog]

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It's a real pain to try and get good printable size canvases in paint.net. Current approach is to google pixel sizes of A4 for example, and then enter them by hand. It would be useful to have some sort of page size selector for eg A4, perhaps with a dpi selector too. Exact measurements are not required, good enough will do.

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Create yourself an A4 template at different print densities. SAve it with the size and density in the filename.


Once done, you can load a template to have the preset size as the default canvas.



On 8/20/2020 at 10:32 AM, Ego Eram Reputo said:

The other way to set a canvas size is to make yourself a correctly sized template and save it as a *.PDN to your desktop. Flag the file as Read Only to stop it being overwritten. See https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/24853-how-do-you-stop-paintnet-from-creating-a-new-canvas-upon-program-execution/?do=findComment&comment=376215


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