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 Grateful to find this forum. I taught myself Photoshop in the 90's to design a Cd Cover.

I've come back to doing more design graphics and love paint.net but I run

into some challenges that might be rudimentary to all of you.


I've highlighted a layer to edit. Other layers have checkmarks so I can see them but only one is highlighted

When I reverse this image 180'. It reverses all the layers? Same when I try to crop? It seems I know how to isolate a layer

becasue I've done it multiple times inserting overlays and transparency. 


Thanks in advance for any tips


This is 2 separate issues.


7 minutes ago, calebbrennan said:

I've highlighted a layer to edit. Other layers have checkmarks so I can see them but only one is highlighted

When I reverse this image 180'. It reverses all the layers?


Make sure you've selected the proper menu:




7 minutes ago, calebbrennan said:

Same when I try to crop?


This works differently than Photoshop.


All layers of an image in Paint.NET are the same size.  Therefore, if you crop one layer ALL layers are cropped.


Hope this helps,


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