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MSI DLL-error after update to 4.2.9


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Good morning,


I updated my clients from 4.2.8 to 4.2.9 with GPO and MSI (x64) file.
But after restart and long install time the clients get the DLL-error in the middle:




I can repair this but I need administration rights for that.

So I try to publish the application again with the same result. :(


Note that the installation on new clients (which doesn't have paint.net before) works very well.


Now I uninstalled all 4.2.9 and my clients are back on 4.2.8.


Anyone with the same problem?


Edited by towa
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If you uninstalled 4.2.9 it may be a good idea to use this first:




and then try to re-install again 4.2.9 from here.


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@Pixey, that isn't a good solution for this. This is about MSI deployment across a whole network -- not an individual install


I'm working on figuring out the MSI story. For now, it should work to do an uninstall and then an install. Version 4.2.9 is fine, but the MSI stuff is cranky right now. (MSI is, generally speaking, not very good tech unfortunately.)


See further discussions here:






The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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