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First serious PDN pic


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Hey guys,

I'm new to PDN and this forum (although i have been spying for about two weeks now) and I have kind of hit a wall on this picture. I feel like it is very unpolished and needs more work, but i just can't figure out what it needs. Any tips, pointers or criticism are welcome (praise too if it's worthy).


This is a higher resolution pic!

Edit: picture updated

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Welcome to the forums photocromix :)

My suggestions:

1) Lower the opacity of the glare on the planet/blur it. It shouldn't be so solid :wink: Try lowering the opacity on the blue streak too, because it's coming out a bit too strong.

2) Increase the visibility of the planet. I know the light source is against that idea, but more of the planet should be able to be seen

Other than that, I really like the streak thing (Mandelbrot Fractal, no? :wink:) and the star field you have going there. Actually quite decent for a beginner (meaning= "At least its not clouds+polar inversion" :wink:)

Have fun PdNing and keep experimenting.

BTW, was the planet made in PdN or is it a stock?

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thanks for the input, i need it bad. I'll be sure to try all those ideas. also, i got the streak idea from helios ignite tut. but i made it myself with brushes.

I made the planet with shape3d and a texture of jupiters moon ganymede i got off the interwebs. i might be redoing the planet with a 100% PDN texture. Still trying to find a good way to make a planet-like texture though.

Thanks for the comments!

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A good way to make a planet-like texture? How coincidental. I wrote up a tut a little while ago on doing starscapes, Planets, and Asteroids for the beginners/intermediates. The Asteroid detail is a bit fuzzy, but I think you might learn something outta the planet section. Tell me if it helps, k?

I think it's too fuzzy to be placed in the tutorials forum yet, so its hosted off site:

Space and the Relative: Basics and Techniques

Tell me if it helps, ok? :)

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