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Font point size suddenly changed?

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Okay, no idea what happened here, so I thought I'd come and ask.


I've been using the Georgia Font at 40 points for doing blurbs on the back covers of my books. Been using it for years. Today, suddenly 40 points is now 20 points? Went back to the old files, and even there it's now 20 points. Tried it on both of my machines, it's now 20 points.


Was this due to a windows update that changed point sizes? I haven't updated paint.net in over a year, so I'm at a loss to understand what happened here.



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Hey there and welcome to the forum @VanStry ?


There is a (relatively) new setting you may have overlooked called the Text Metric. It's in the toolbar. Set it to "Fixed (96 DPI)"




REF: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/TextTool.html#4.5

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