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File is open in COM Surrogate

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In the latest (4.0.19) version, any file I open stays locked by the subject application and can't be deleted until I end task on the COM Surrogate, even after closing Paint.net -

You can see how this could be annoying.

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 1703, OS build 15063.608

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Yeah, this could certainly be annoying.


I think I've already fixed this for the next update -- there was a COM object that wasn't getting released. I mixed up == vs != :(


I'm hoping to push out 4.0.20 in the next few weeks. It'll be just some minor fixes and maybe a few tweaks. (well, and one major fix that affects files that use 4GB or more of memory per layer :O )

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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