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So I got this project to draw from all 5 projections a smooth version of Carmageddon Eagle generation 1. It's close to being done, but now I'm starting to get to the part of drawing rims..how would I draw the rims? They look like this: 2dc5q9k.jpg


Hello @Samppu and Welcome to the forum :D.


You may like to take a look at this tutorial.  Whilst the images are no longer there (as Photobucket blocked them) the PDF link you can download, has all the images.





How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.


Hmm thanks for the replies. I'll try both tutorials and chime in ASAP. The spokes have to be like in that image I included. I'm drawing the car in plain colors and pixelatedly if that info is useful. 

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