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paint bucket

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I have drawn my own picture and I am using the paint bucket to colour in my picture.

Every time I click to fill with colour, the box comes up with saving.

Is there away that I can stop this box from appearing as its taking so long to colour in .

I am sure when I first used this tool , I could click numerous times and quickly ,then save ?

Thank you 

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Hi @Salz and Welcome to the forum.


Wow - that sounds really weird.  Can you give us a screen shot of what is happening?


I am using PDN v. 4.0.12 and this is what I get when I use the Paint Bucket :PaintBucket:




It fills the selected space with color.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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So what you are describing is that it's 'lagging"?  Which version of Paint.net are you using?  What system computer?  Do you have enough memory?


Try this:


Go to the little cog :Settings: top right of PDN when its open and uncheck the box of Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU)

Close PDN and reopen.


If that doesn't help perhaps someone else on here will be able to help.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Because Paint.NET doesn't have any "automatic image saving", I can only see two cases:

  1. You work with some kind of key (or mouse)-mapping software (often on laptops) as a background process.
  2. You don't work with paint.net but with another image editing software.
Edited by IRON67
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