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Type Not Recognized?

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I am going to apologize in advanced if this has been asked many times...but here it is.  So today I went to work on some projects that I have been working on for a few months (these projects are .psd files, as that is what my client uses), and when I went to open up one it said that there was an update.  So I went ahead and ran the update, and like with all the other updates I go to check for the PSD PlugIn, and there is another one.  I wen ahead, downloaded it, and extracted the files to C:\Program Files\paint.net\FileTypes just like every other time.  No all of a sudden I am getting an error message that says "The image type is not recognized, and cannot be opened."  Any ideas?  And if someone knows how to, or wants to look at the base of what I paint message me, and I will send over the .psd file that way, or by email.  Note: the .psd file is like 70 some layers.

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Check you have the latest version. It should be 2.5.0. @taoyue pushed out this version very recently which seemed to resolve this issue.



I'm going to close this thread. Please direct all further inquiries into this plugin to the thread linked to. This keeps all the discussion in one place.


Thanks and welcome to the forum :)

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