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Eliminating border lines in transparent image.

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Hi, total newbie here and to using paint.  I want to create a logo for a personal photography site.  My problem is I don't know how to eliminate the border around the transparency.  I somehow managed to eliminate part of the border because before it was a complete line around the image,  Now it is broken in some areas.  I think it may have to do with image or canvas size but not sure.  Please help.  


Edited by Tomh1313
not sure if I had right image attached.
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If you mean the several-pixels-wide border around the edge, what I would do is either:


Add a black background layer to make the border and text more visible.

Make the original layer active.

Select the Eraser tool with a Brush width of about 7 and a Hardness of 100%.

Erase the border, being careful around the text.

Delete the black layer.




Add the black background.

Make the original layer active.

Select the Rectangle Select tool

Draw a rectangle of about the right size to contain everything except the border.

Select the Move Selection tool.

Move the selection borders to exactly include everything but the border (with a bit of leeway around the border) .

Use Edit>Invert Selection so now the border is selected..

Use Edit>Erase Selection.

Delete the black layer.


(In place of Invert Selection followed by Erase Selection, you could use Image>Crop to Selection.)


I wouldn't use the Magic Wand tool to erase the border, since in my experience that sometimes leaves a few almost-transparent pixels. I also wouldn't bother trying to use Image>Canvas Size to reduce the canvas size just enough to eliminate the border, though that should work. Though the methods I suggest may seem simplistic, often the straight-forward ways are the best.

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Hi @Tom and welcome to PDN :) .


Another suggestion:


With the Ellipse Select select the moon 'within' the jaggies area and copy.

Paste into a new layer and use the Feather Plugin.

Go back to the original layer and erase any left over moon bits.

Duplicate your feathered moon - it makes it brighter.




Good Luck.

Edited by Pixey
added written steps


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