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Posts posted by DrewDale

  1. Thanks yellowman - indeed clipwarp is a great plugin and very inspiring too, I end up looking for things to use it on, that picture was perfect for it.


    Thanks Helen - I kept the drop shadow really low so that the roundel would blend in more, I didn't dare go down that walkway though, even in daylight hours ;)

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  2. Thanks Sasha & nanettealsop & Helen, it is a very strange place along some of the unused lines and tunnels, I'm lucky to know someone kind enough to show me places that the public are not usually permitted, glad you like the image too. :)  The roundel (london underground symbol) was straight forward to make, just an ellipse and a line.


    Helen - What I did was duplicate the original black aeroplane clip art, re coloured one red and unticked it. Ran object edge on the black one and then clipwarp. I then moved the red one to the top and I think it was either overlay or multiply, then just a once over with AA's Assistant. I used the same method with the red frame too :) 


    I'm getting kind of clipwarp fever now, I look around at things to take a picture of so that I can add a twist to it :lol: 

  3. I think that would be a really good way to interact with people on here, three ideas, multiple end results :)

    I too think it would be a top competition Sasha. Looking at what Welshblue has done with your clipwarp ellipse picture just shows how fresh eyes can change an image :)

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