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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. I think that it will have a great furure! I can remember a freeware in the DOS days called PaintShop this is now a big commercial success.
  2. Greetings Verlando, For me, full screen is 1920x1080 pixels. I create a canvas at 1920x1080 pixels and save it as 1920x1080.pdn to use a template. When starting a new project I click on the template and use Save As to rename and save it to the PDN Projects folder that created for my art files made with the software I have warious templates saved for different project requirements.
  3. Greetings sharonharvey2, The easiest thing to do is to create your text on an invisible layer and the go to then Effects Tab and scroll down to Objects and select Drop Shadow. Then add a thin gray drop shadow around your text to make appear to stand away from your background image.
  4. Your image ends. with the .jpg extension which is the designation for special type of compressed raster graphic(bitmap) and not a vector graphic as with some wmf, svg, ai, and eps files. .
  5. Some one is about to get spanked for posting oversized images. I am glad that it isn't me this time!
  6. I have an Olympus E-PL1 camera that can shoot in the .ORF ( Olympus Raw Format ). Olympus provides a plug-in for PhotoShop that comes in an .8ba format. Maybe Canon does the same. I think there was a add-on for PDN that lets you use .8ba filters
  7. The backgroud of this image was created in PDN and the foreground 3D text was created in Simply 3D. It was rendered in Simply 3D as a 756x425 pixels, 96dpi, 32bit, uncompressed, layered TIFF. The inage can be found here: http://apmauldin.com...ReZ_logo_21.tif
  8. I create a lot of images in 3D software and I render the stills as TIFF in the 1920x1080, 32bit, 96 dpi format. I only have PhotoShop Elements 6, PaintShop Pro X2, MS Expression Design 2, Windows Paint and Paint.Net 3.6.10 on my editing station. PDN will not display them at all. Windows Paint and PaintShop Pro are the only apps that will display the TIFF images without hiding the background layers. I think that I founds answers here, that I never knew the questions for. Thank You, I think? :-)
  9. The easiest way for me to associate an image file type with an application is to right click on the images thumbnail, scroll down the menu to Open With, and then select the app that I want to use to Always of want to open image with. I may not Always want to open a GIF with PDN but I will have that as a option if I select Open with instead of Edit in that same drop down menu.
  10. Just because your converted file is now a PNG it does not mean that it contains more than 256 colors. If it is converted to GIF it is not possible to contain more that 256 colors. I use a freeware called IrfanView to increase or decrease my image color depth and before doing so, it lets me know how many colors are actually contained within the image. http://www.irfanview.com/
  11. When I saw that coin I "flipped"!. You were "mint" for this type of forum. I enjoy your work and your comments.
  12. Here is some help: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  13. I found this link on YouTube: colouring anime drawing on paint.net www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ8K98QP9hg
  14. Greetings Qyler, Some one said " a journey of a thousand mile, begins with a single step ", I made my step last month. I am just beginning to learn. Welcome!
  15. Greetings Poncho99990, I always save my work twice once as a PDN and again as a TIFF where the color depth is 32 bit. PS: I just saved a test image as a PNG and the color depth was also 32 bits
  16. Greetings, There are a bunch of helpful people at this forum that have not only developed a wonder-filled graphics design & editing app, but also provide great resources for using it. http://forums.getpai...nner-tutorials/ Video Tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paint.net+tutorials&oq=paint.net+tutorials&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=4352l41713l0l43979l23l23l2l9l9l0l231l1878l2.7.3l12l0
  17. Thank you for the advice. I have already remove that Nfo from the help that I gave to CrazyPrinterz and I have re-submitted the revised help screen.
  18. Greetings, I am not sure if I understand the question, because when I open PDN I get a default canvas to work on and I just go to the Tools menu button and scroll down to the Text Button, click on it and move over to the canvas and click on to get a Text bar and start typing.
  19. I just inserted the image using the technique that I described in the illustration, from a file stored in a hidden folder that I just created today at my Facebook space. If you are viewing this, it works. I went to the image at FB and right clicked in FireFox and copied the image location and pasted in the image url at this forum. Try it for yourself. Make sure that your image meets the specs here. They are sticklers for following protocol. @ Mountnman, my training in HTML is okay.
  20. Greetings, I found this Nfo via a Google search, that may help you. My personal preference is TIFF.
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