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Everything posted by null54

  1. There currently is no easy way to support multiple layers in this plugin. I plan to eventually support loading mipmaps and cube maps as layers, once the Paint.NET plugin API adds the features that I need for it. What DDS plugin is that? None of the Photoshop DDS plugins I could find have that behavior.
  2. From looking at the dissembled code it appears that all of the GDI+ objects are being disposed. I am wondering if the 'out of memory' error is a multi-threading issue, the plugin is not configured as single threaded and GDI+ objects do not like to be used by multiple threads.
  3. For plugin developers this build also has a new PixelKernels.ReplaceChannel method.
  4. Release version 1.3.5. Changes: Use the new PixelKernels.ReplaceChannel method from alpha build 8368.
  5. This is a Paint.NET 5.0 build of my Photoshop Brush FileType. No new features, but it includes a few bug fixes and a number of performance optimizations made possible by the move from .NET 3.5 to .NET 7.0. The version in this post has been superseded by an official release:
  6. After looking at the source code for Dynamic Draw, Smudge and Liquify, the crashes are likely due to https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/8280 All of those plugins use the EffectConfigDialog Owner property without checking if it is null.
  7. I am not surprised that abrViewer is having issues with newer Photoshop brushes. Looking at the release notes the only difference between versions 2.0 (released in 2006) and 3.0 (released in 2022) is the .NET Framework version that it uses. Adobe changed the brush version in Photoshop CS6 or CC from version 6 to version 10, and abrViewer does not support the version 10 brushes.
  8. The error indicates that abrViewer does not support reading the brush format produced by newer versions of Photoshop. This plugin should be able to read those brushes, if not it is a bug that I will have to investigate.
  9. You need to click on the item above the exe.config file, Windows hides file extensions by default. Also, why was this posted in the Photoshop Brush plugin thread? As @ReMake stated, abrViewer is a standalone application. This probably should have been posted in the Paint.NET Discussion and Questions section.
  10. The x64 build works with both Windows 10 and Windows 11, I edited the first post to clarify that. The ARM64 on Windows 10 build exists because Windows 10 can only emulate x86 processes, so it uses the 32-bit build of G'MIC-Qt.
  11. This is a build of my G'MIC plugin that adds support for reading the document layers. The clipboard reading workaround is now obsolete and has been removed. The version in this topic has been superseded by an official release:
  12. This is a version of PSFilterPdn for Paint.NET 5.0. Changes from version 8bf filters can now write outside of the selection. Filters that do not request to render outside of the selection will have the output image clipped to the selection mask in post-processing. Note that some filters may ignore the selection entirely (e.g. Luce 2). 8bf filters now have access to the document DPI information. 8bf filters now have access to the document EXIF and XMP metadata. 8bf filters now have access to the document color profile. PSFilterShim is now built as a self-contained .NET 7 application. Fixed a bug with the selection mask scaling. The OS color picker dialog is now used instead of a custom Windows Forms-based dialog. Improved the speed when searching for filters on startup. Fixed the dialog high-DPI scaling. Added a Diagnostics tab with various logging/troubleshooting items. The version in this post as been superseded by a release in the plugin thread: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/20622-psfilterpdn
  13. According to this post in the GIMP forum thread the Repair > Solidify filter in G'MIC is similar to the script. The article also mentioned that Flaming Pear's Solidify plugin can be used. You can run that plugin in Paint.NET using PSFilterPdn.
  14. Illustrator has (or at one point had) the ability to use Photoshop filter and format plugins.
  15. Paint.NET does not currently support automation/scripting. Google's WebP plugin for Photoshop may work in Adobe Illustrator, but I am not sure of that. You could also use cwebp to convert the PNG files to WebP and exiftool to set the resolution. Something like: cwebp -q 80 image.png -o image.webp exiftool -xresolution=300 -yresolution=300 -resolutionunit=inches -overwrite_original image.webp
  16. Paint.NET will install it automatically if it is not present.
  17. Photoshop has had a video editing features (timeline, video layers , etc.) since at least version CS6, probably as an offshoot of the animation features (many of the 'animated GIF' files on the web are actually MP4 videos played in a loop). See https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/new-video-features-photoshop-cs6.html IIUC the OP is wanting to import a video into paint.net, use Curves+ to adjust the color of the video frames, and then export the result as a new video.
  18. Paint.NET cannot load Photoshop color swatch files directly. I wrote a utility that converts those files to multiple Paint.NET palette files (paint.net palette files can only contain 96 colors).
  19. Release version 1.0.2. Changes: Updated to libjxl version 0.7.0. Added support for EXIF and XMP metadata Changed the encoder speed slider behavior to match cjxl Fixed a potential infinite loop when reading a truncated file
  20. I will take a look at that, thanks. I will probably just switch the progress bar to use the marquee/indeterminate mode, that is the simplest solution. On larger selections the resynthesizer algorithm could appear to be stuck for a while. The progress is calculated as a double, but depending on the number of samples that need to be processed it may take a long time for the integer progress percentage to change.
  21. Unfortunately, it is not easy to add embedded text to a Windows Forms progress bar. I experimented with changing the progress bar style to a marquee while the effect is initializing, but that made the progress appear to jump backwards. It also does not solve the issue of the progress bar not moving for a long time. Paint.NET does not currently allow its effect plugins to have manual control of the progress bar. Hopefully a future version will allow that.
  22. That PDN file is entirely filled with zeroes, there is nothing to recover.
  23. You can use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed After that is done you should be able to reinstall paint.net.
  24. I think the OP asking for the image file name to be used as the layer name when opening a single layer image.
  25. Plugins are installed in a different location for the Windows Store version. See https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html#4 for more details.
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