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Posts posted by LFC4EVER

  1. This is what Google Translator comes up with:



    Try to read or write protected memory. This usually means that other memory has been damaged



    嘗試讀取寫入receive protection or體memory. Display這體已other memory loss毀

    P.S. I didn't know what language so i did both lol :lol:

  2. P.S. How do you delete custom brushes from the list? I dont want all of the Winter Brushes but I can't delete any.

    In your My Documents folder, there should be a folder called Paint.NET User Files, inside there, should be your brushes.

    Heh, not bad:

    Not bad!? Its excellent! Good work!

  3. Gah! I always used to love your sig, but now it doesn't seem nearly as good. Copy-past then add color is just too easy!

    Yes, its easy, but if you want to make something look good, it doesn't always have to be really complicated. Sometimes simple methods work best.

  4. That's amazing! Just one question. When I download the ABRViewer, it downloads correctly, but I can't seem to find where it is located. I've tried doing a search, but got zero results. Help!

    Thanks, but as for your query, you should ask that in the tut about the brushes.

  5. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it



    I am making this tut on my sig, as it has been requested by various people who asked me via PM on how i made my current sig.

    The result is not exactly as in my sig, as i am just showing you how to create the effect similar to this:


    Plugins required:

    Custom Brushes Mini

    Conditional Hue / Saturation


    Color Filter

    You'll also need the Winter Breeze brush set which you can download here

    How to convert and use PS brushes in PDN: Here

    How to use Custom Brushes Mini: Here

    The tut boltbait.big_smile.png :

    1) Fill the background black and add a new layer. Name it "Brush" or whatever else you want to. On the new layer go to Effects > Draw with Custom Brush. Find the brush you wish to use and draw (brush size 500 works best), then press the ok button. Then Ctrl + Shift + I (Invert Colours) so you can see the image.


    2) Duplicate the "Brush" layer and name the top layer "Inner Glow" and the middle layer "Rainbow". Select the "Rainbow" layer and apply Effects > Colour Filter, and colour it any colour, it doesnt matter which colour as long as it is not black, grey or white.


    3) Now select the "Inner Glow" layer and go to Effects > Feather at these settings:

    Feather Radius = 1

    Effect Strength = 1

    True Feather = Yes

    Apply a Glow the same layer at default settings. You should now have something similar to this.


    4) Now, using the rectangle select tool, select a section of the brush that you like, I'm using a selection size of 500px by 100px here. Then Ctrl + Shift + X (or Crop to Selection).


    5) Now select the "Rainbow layer", and go to Adjustments > Conditional Hue/Saturation. Apply the following settings.


    6) Flatten and your done! The end result should be similar to this:



    In step 5, you can further modify the settings such as the hue's in the rainbow by moving the slider in the "Hue action" box, or you can modify the Saturation settings by moving the slider in the "Saturation Adjustment" dialog box.

    In my sig i used more brushes of the same set, and did more work on it, but the effect is very similar..

    Please post your attempts and feel free to comment.

  6. 4. Use the object outline plugin to give a black outline to the text.

    5. Select the inside of each letter while holding down ctrl.

    6. Set your primary colour to white and secondary to orange. Click :GradientTool: :LinearGradient: :AllColorChannels: and experiment dragging the mouse around several times until you have an effect you like.

    Wouldn't it be easier to outline after the gradient has been added?

    EDIT: You can use the Multi-Colour Gradient plugin to achieve the 3-colour gradient effect

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