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Everything posted by yy10

  1. yup. you can get bulge by default when downloading Paint.net
  2. they are called plug ins. for the lens plug in, download here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26244&hilit=ed+harvey+effects. If you need help downloading it, go here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023
  3. lens is the best. I use it a lot too. It's from Ed Harvey Effects.
  4. People say my 150x150s are the best. Dunno. I'll post more stuff. And one thing, be sure to comment!
  5. I have a question for ya'll: which size of avatars are the best? 100x100? 120x120? 150x150? suggestions needed
  6. yeah of course. Thx for the kind feedback guys.
  7. really?! people say my avatars are the best
  8. lol it's the chinese new year holiday im bored and stuff xd so just thought i would do a quick timline of what i have done for these years not sure which are paint.net and which are photoshop lol wtf but im guessing most of theseshiz are paint.net work 2007 LOL http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/D1lLdLO3IXcDpIaP40sLdQ18099/GW115H125 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/jnsasUKEnTvsu81pBLcdxA15955/GW119H130 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/JwyIhema0YMBxKuCi0jJ_A20259/GW145H104 lol 2008 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/5oT3onxJAI3zOquXnZXmMg44453 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/HTp-XPH2ala2Gj9L48LbuA35261 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/AeVoGcVr386mtaBEOtm-5w126551 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/4FG4Do_-2JjPVIO8_fs3XA135602 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/NsrilQJMs3BkG5teu83enw39620/GW312H132 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/290sI5aDzyab_D-RZ63kbQ122633/GW500H170 2009 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/0cG0jObBElTuwdMMEqzNSA32379/GW150H150 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/KgdPuO6D0cpQal366ltTXw34558/GW150H150 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/luBfPB2lATBGkm4-SCookA27320/GW150H150 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/4NJErztm-FntuBkj_uCW7Q32122/GW150H150 http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/002/b/b/Vector_Peach_by_Splashy10.png <my first vector http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/-WvK3TNeveY4p8h3V8Hvgw85575 < i won an sotw with this on this forum lol http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/E3c8v_3GTDPa0QoZconZUQ69811/GW290H130 <yeah i used this to win another sotw too i think lol http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/JxmjoT2xexZ186xAeJMSVg70501 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/9mWU9pC2kM7fn7_wniBj3A28510 http://image.wetpaint.com/image/3/GDYoJE2C_688ObvWUqyqkg89038 <used to be my fav sig and i won an sotw with this too xd http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab348/ZuckerKO/animegirlsigwithtext.png 2010 http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/198/9/f/My_first_smudge_by_Splashy10.png http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/251/d/c/huxley_by_splashy10-d2ya114.png http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/254/7/2/cyber_buddy_by_splashy10-d2yh2b4.png two walls http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/327/8/6/unreleased_stuff_2010_by_splashy10-d4h14ya.jpg http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/206/5/9/Tag_Wall_July_by_Splashy10.png 2011 lol this is all i made in this year http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/050/5/7/spiderman_by_splashy10-d39y9ez.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/092/0/1/sci_fi_anime_lookin_by_splashy10-d3d0upg.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/206/1/5/timeshift_by_splashy10-d41o2qd.png http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/037/c/4/sub_zero_by_splashy10-d38zlxd.png 2012 Nothing lol ahahaha when i look back i kinda miss the old days lol dun have much work left since my old photobucket broke down err guess i was most active around 2009-2010? idk honestly lol but anyway give me some comments xd
  9. Discussing signature techniques is off-topic? yy10, what your friend is saying doesn't matter, he's not necessarily right. I was probably the one he was referring to. I find C4D's cheating. You didnt make them in Paint.net, so they aren't 100% paint.net. Even if alter the C4D, it is still not something you made in paint.net. I believe to have something 100% Paint.net, you need to have nothing but Paint.net backgrounds. Having images or renders are fine, as long as they are not C4D's. I find them cheating. They are not your work, so i dont use them. haha...the "friend" i was mentioning was him.
  10. you seem like the "realistic king(or queen)". XD
  11. hmm...thanks for liking my sasuke sig, nemo. btw, anyone like this one?
  12. yes! your work is very good! but add more. we all wanna see more of your amazing work
  13. I love your gallery! especially the glossy smiles! they're awesome. i also love the rose. so realistic!
  14. nice one, Nemo! but this is the Signatures, Avatars, Logos and text section. You should psot that in the realista Images forum. but it's really good! so realistic! did you sue a render or something? Anyone like my current sig? the sasuke one.
  15. Nope. i just used a picture of Trauma Centre's angie. (Play that?) How about this one?
  16. using c4ds can give you great graphics. you can make them using Photoshop
  17. If you just paste a render or a C4D and say you made it in Paint.NET, then it's cheating. Once you edit and change the C4D or render in Paint.NET, then it's really not cheating... Tell that to my friend
  18. Cheating? How so? :? well, my friend said that "c4ds are cheating because they're not 100% Paint.net" and i sorta believed that.
  19. well, to me...sometimes c4d's are cheating...plus, it's hard to find some good c4ds
  20. well, guess what? in my new style,i'm not going to use c4ds.
  21. Looks like someone has tried making sigs like me and has tried out one of my special sig borers. Haha. You should try using a different font for your text. It will get old really quick. Trust me. yes. hahaha i'm developing a new style anyway. i don't need to use yours anymore....XD
  22. i try figuring out stuff myself...btw, do you make any stuff other than sigs and avatars?
  23. i love the trace too. very good. also, i tried following one of your freestyle videos but they were too fast so i gave up.
  24. hey nice foot! really, did you draw that? if yes 10/10, if not 5/10 i made a new sig
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