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Posts posted by TopHATslash

  1. It all kinda happened spontaneously :) I was expanding upon a tut and ended up wit an image that had some basic colors in it. I used the "solarize" plugin and then the "inside out" plugin and ended up with THIS

    Then I used the "extract channel" plugin and picked the "red" option.

    At this point in my pdn career, I just follow my instincts and stop when it looks cool :D


    it turned out great. I like it more in small view though because there are some flaws that are very visible in large view. But the thumbnail looks sick.

  2. It all kinda happened spontaneously :) I was expanding upon a tut and ended up wit an image that had some basic colors in it. I used the "solarize" plugin and then the "inside out" plugin and ended up with THIS

    Then I used the "extract channel" plugin and picked the "red" option.

    At this point in my pdn career, I just follow my instincts and stop when it looks cool :D


    it turned out great. I like it more in small view though because there are some flaws that are very visible in large view. But the thumbnail looks sick.

  3. Hey!

    nice tutorial


    i dont get it

    i have tried it for 2 times now.

    and the result is the same again and again..

    my line doesnt become as is should be..

    when i do the glow

    it just glows the whole picture like normal..

    so i dont know what i do wrong.

    can someone help me :)


    Make sure you have the lines on new layers, by pressing this :AddNewLayer: . Otherwise you're working on one whole image, which in fact will glow your entire line.

    Thanks everyone, sorry I haven't been here to answer questions lately.

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