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Simon Brown

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Posts posted by Simon Brown

  1. Weekly Skinning Competition


    Hosted by Simon Brown, Theme chosen by The Bird

    While Mike is away from the forums, i'll be hosting WSC.

    A dock

    As chosen by the bird


    This week's theme, as chosen by @The Bird is a dock. Some popular docks include the native dock on OSX and RocketDock for Windows. Unlike the taskbar, a dock's purpose is purely to launch and switch between programs.


    Check the Weekly Skinning Competition Rules!

    If your entry breaks any of the rules it will be disqualified.


    • The deadline is four days after the 4th entry is posted.
    • There is no maximum image size, but you are limited to THREE images per entry, and if any of the images are larger than 800x800, please LINK to it instead!
    • No crude / offensive language, pics, et cetera.
    • Unlike previous incarnations of Skinning Competitions, the theme focuses on a single element. Do not stray from the theme!
    • Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after submitting your entry.
    • You must post the URLs to any and all stock images used in your entry.
    • You are allowed one post in this topic. That post should include your entry, links to your source images.
    • Beyond these rules, if the competition host finds that the entry is clearly inappropriate for one reason or another, he or she may disqualify that entry without warning
    • Note also that the winner of the current Weekly Skinning Competition gets to choose the subject for the next competition!


    This thread is for posting your entries only!

    Which means there is no excuse for making a non-entry post.


    If you wish to talk about one of the entries you can do so here.

    If a comment or other non-entry post is mistakenly made in this thread, it will be moved without penalty to the discussion thread. Just don't be surprised when it magically jumps over there. ;)


  2. What are you using to write the rest of the book?

    In any case, if you use MS Office 2007, you can install a plugin from Microsoft that will let you save PDFs. The only problem is, you can't open them - but since you have the images, you could try see if they accept a PDF created "from scratch."

    The last time I used OpenOffice (I don't install Java now), it could export PDFs. I don't know whether it can open them.

    Edit: I guess there's Acrobat.com as well.

  3. This link may be helpful re: using 7-zip

    to extract the Ed Harvey zipfile.

    Ed Harvey says he's fixed it, though.

    I have finally figured-out what causes the IE bug to surface (only took me 2 years :roll: )

    It's complicated and very boring, but you may be pleased to know that have re-configured the download server and it appears to have stopped the problem...

    Yay :D

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