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007 Nab

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Everything posted by 007 Nab

  1. I like the effect - it uses more artistic thinking than plugin "ok" button mashing, like you see with some other tutorials. Could you link to a finished product as your last step? I haven't had a chance to try it yet (I'm not on a PDNized computer) and I'd like to see a really nice 'big' version of the image. Thanks a lot - very cool leaves!
  2. I see Papyrus everywhere! (especially local businesses...) I like Agency FB, and Bank Gothic MD (though it's starting to get overused as well). Eurostile fits certain high 'techie' type of pictures well too.
  3. I like this piece a lot. It shows you have very high control over your abstracts. The grey in the middle looks like the buildings, with the white-blueish sweeping them away. Very cool color choice, I think this is one of my favorite abstracts from you. 8) EDIT: Grammar fix
  4. Leave space for comments... people. Thanks.
  5. Ash, you smudged, correct? I think that is what I would do for it. I think the lighting is one of the cool parts of the tut, actually - both the sparks and te lighting on the metal itself.
  6. This forum is restricted to Tutorials Only man - you can ask that question in General Questions and Discussions.
  7. Very good use of Zoom Blur - I like the lighting in it! And welcome to the forum
  8. When you imported the moon picture into your other - as you said "composite" - you didn't maintain Aspect Ratios. Make sure that if you do any resizing or scaling you hold down the Shift key while you drag the nubs to keep the same ratios. I like it though - even as an egg - you could go and get all deep about why you purposely placed it as an egg :wink: EDIT: The reason he said no jpgs is because they lose their quality - they don't retain the original. You can upload various other formats like Bitmaps or PNGs with hosts like Photobucket and Imageshack as well.
  9. Sorry for the confusion guys, the plugin I am talking about is Alpha-Displacement. You save the blurred text as a .png, and then load it into the plugin for the clouds layer. Then you select the "displacement on?" And raise both x & y to 200.
  10. I like it a lot LFC! very simple, and yet the logo itself seems a bit more complicated. Good job (logo could be sharper) _____ New Wallpaper I made, I had a logo idea and ran with it. Stole some of J2K's techniques, and I think it turned out well: Clicky ^^ 1280x1024 Version, highly recommended Still a possible WIP, but I'm running out ideas to do with it. The aliasing was originally intentional, but I think it could have been blurred a bit more around the cubes.
  11. Thanks here's the basics of it: Fill with black, add new layer + text blur text at a high amount (but still legible) save as text map.png new layer diff clouds, diff clouds, diff clouds, about 5 times. Curves to color the cluds whatever color Run displacement plugin on clouds layer - load text map.png and displace both x and y fully to max (I think it's 200) And there you have it. All you have to do now is crop to your text. Simple, but I thought it looked cool.
  12. You have a lot of pictures there Pitos - I think you need to work on color choice - some of the colors you stick in some sigs don't match the rest of the signature. My favorite out of the ones you put on there would have to be your current one - the Guitar Hero one is good too, even though the text you added doesn't go well with the signature - it needs to be along those colors. Good efforts so far - keep it up! _____ More text experimenting (very basic, but I liked the outcome) Clicky^^ for big version (suggested) No smudge, by the way, if that's what you're thinking :wink:
  13. :shock: I like... a lot. *Especially the 100% PDN part :wink:
  14. I like them both - they both have their own style - and it doesn't look like the only difference is color either - good job on the smudging too. The glare on the text looks nice, though the text itself looks a bit aliased in some areas. Here's some text experimenting, it's kinda dark because I messed around with it a little too much, but I think it looks kinda cool. Clicky^^ The text itself is the outlines you see - there is no black magic text that covers up everything but the lighting you see.
  15. I have no idea how opaque is created, nor even what it is. Can you clarify how to perform this task? Yeah sure - just duplicate and merge the same layer that you want to feather, until there are no semi-transparent pixels left. Either that - or use Mike Ryan's Alias plugin, which does a very good job.
  16. You're getting really good with the smudge tool - like Crimson pointed out -the hood is really good - which shows that you can be both smooth and "spiky" when smudging. Very cool job on this piece.
  17. My guess is that's because of previous anti-aliasing. You need to make the edges opaque, so that Feather can do its job.
  18. Good idea! I think that's what i might do for one of my pieces (I've had a request, but don;'t think it's worth a full fledged tutorial)
  19. Well you're going to want to fix the bottom shadow Has it been requested? I like it.
  20. I think in a lot of pieces a good title is essential, and I think "evolve" is an excellent one for this piece. I like it overall, though I think it could use a higher contrast/brightness - it looks a bit desaturated. I think if you made the noise or dither a little less intense (even though i know you like it) it would look even better! Very good job overall, I like the concept of this piece.
  21. Yes, paint.NET can definitely do this. Just take a look at Commader Sozo's work: Link or Helio's: Link They I've found how to do this is that you take your original layer, and then paste the planet on a new one. Then create an alpha mask where the highlighted part of the planet is what's visible, and everything else gradually fades. I'm not on a computer with paint.NET right now, otherwise I would show you. Hope this helps, Nab
  22. I like... a lot. Very sleek and glossy, very cool style. Would you call it your own original? If you make a theme out of it, you will need to be sending it to me
  23. I didn't actually use gradients to make the smiley face, though like LFC said, use "Transparency gradients - Gradient tool in this mode :AlphaChannel:" I used an alpha mask for what I made - for more information on Alpha Masks, here are some useful links: The Plugin Useful Tutorial 1 Useful Tutorial 2 Oh, and by the way, I linked to this thread because ironically, we'd all been answering the same question you asked all along... Hope you get the hang of this, Nab
  24. That's sweet! what chemicals were you heating? Good job on the lass - and I see you used Smudge on the smoke - very good job overall (could be a bit sharper).
  25. Besides just arm direction, I would also look at the overall direction of where the body is turned - and where the face is looking, particularly in this one.
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