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Everything posted by verndewd

  1. Take your time Mwrap youre doing an incredibly complicated piece and its going nicely. Keep them jaggies minimized or blooper may off your cabesa. :shock:
  2. With your pointers and some creative layering the block comes to life. Thanks for the input OMA.
  3. I have a blue glassblock texture you may find interesting for a stock in your obsession to create cool sigs, last one BTW is pretty cool , the subtleness you use is interesting.
  4. AA was maxed on that cube dewd. AA was maxed on the pic before it, I do everything with AA maxed in PDN. but hey if it floats yer boat to harass go right ahead. Just mind what you dish out.
  5. Yay, I can now make a winter scenery I wish I was that far along Id offer to trade pdn files .
  6. Large version plz. and a tut would be very welcome. Looks like you have been exploring glass too. Looks like you may have used glass blocks? still a great outcome. What interests me is the colors and distortions.
  7. You should keep going on the hand dewd, I think you are getting somewhere. I think your blurring worked out really well to connect the digits. you could use transparency toward the posotive side a bit to make it less noticeable.
  8. nice Love the frame Madjick, when I saw it i said : "oohh cool" cool sig noodles.
  9. vlad thats nice. Whos chrome method did you use? Think outside the box Think inside the box would be more appropriate if you have a commercial allure to your art. Thinking outside the box would be like my glass button that was a raw 40 layers in the making to recreate what you can do with a push of a button in a plug in. When you can and likely will introduce non standard designand it have the same appeal, you have broken out of the box. My issue is thats where I tend to start, with the exception of a few odes and obligatory standards. My non conformist attitude is a blessing and curse. This button has become interesting in layering and manipulating with plug ins. It really layers well on top of itself with altering layer properties. I do believe scratch glass textures have a lot of promise. Once again this tile is for Oma.
  10. Just about? :shock: You need another hit of PDN bud, Nice sig BTW, great tone on tone coloring. Sozo; its still a cool design.
  11. Its all been said jaggies and that. I just misread the voids intent and yeah I am jealous that my tendecy is to be complicated and not as simple but also I think that there are aspects of what I do that are really cool and have progressed really well. The void has a knack for making simplicity look great and its easy to do thats where the jealousy comes in, its like why didnt I think of that? And then I make some axes and see ohhh thats why. I also think that honest criticism is good even if it hurts, even I dont like it but it is a good thing.
  12. well I think you do good work anyway maybe you just dont think about how the things you type could be read, Thats a pretty common thing on the net, and I have been guilty of that myself. Well if anything its a flag to you that some of the things you type could easilly be misread. You probably dont think anything about it since you dont mean anything by it. FYI it comes off like a kid ego thing so you may want to give it some thought even though you dont intend to sound that way.
  13. To me it kinda seems you want to start competition.. Because you criticize my work more than anyones. You roll your eyes at a lion that took a lot of hours and is coming along nicely, I think you do good work but I also believe that praise is going to your head. Humility is a good thing.
  14. I think any one can emulate the voids work its all a matter of thinking about his using simplicity to that effect.
  15. sorry man i dont mean to but u no i love PDN and sometimes i like my sigs and sometimes i dont and thats why i like to post them here to have criticism but u no i sometimes just get an idea in my head and it turns out good so i want to make it my new sig. but i do understand what ur saying and i ll try to break my habit I support sig changing with the winds of inspiration.
  16. i dont think the voids sigs are tut worthy just yet, I think they are good and simplistic and very attractive but if you cannot envision the process of making it you havent read enough tuts.
  17. The lion is great. I am having trouble with the void rolling his eyes on that, apparently he doesnt realize how long it takes to evolve a pic like that.
  18. For a quick fix blow up the pic to like 600x(dont resize) lasso the edges and use gaussian blur2-4. That should clear up the jaggies. This one is for OMA as we have been discussing arriving at glass textures via layering and I was promoting it without the use of plugins that do not automatically add some kind of glassy look like tiles. 100% layers of lines steps of blurring and no other plug ins. Its not finished.
  19. yeah thats cool A bit rough on the chrome frame but cool.
  20. Great pumpkin. I like the comic strip but those are cropped screens. Still a cool idea.
  21. Fade the clouds a bit more and the lines maybe.try to sharpen the image and make it look as clear or clearer than your sig. Do what you feel most importantly. Good work.
  22. Interesting coloring, Looks more like a portal in a depiction of a dream, almost looks like charcoal and pastels. Ill drink to that, I rarely get pats on the back as a matter of fact a lot of response to my support resembles how the voidhas responded I know my art is good and I dont post every single variation with a twist of one plug in. What I am happier about is that PDN allows me a vision to chase for GFX art. Please feel free to point out any typo's The guys that really deserve the credit are the ones that made the program and plug ins. Push button art was never so easy.
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