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Posts posted by toe_head2001

  1. I was playing with ScintillaNET this morning, and decided to try using it in CodeLab for fun. BoltBait, you should look into this. It's highly configurable. It's like having Notepad++ (which uses Scintilla) inside CodeLab.


    Although the IntelliSense stuff might be difficult, but I didn't look at how it's currently being done in CodeLab, so maybe not difficult to integrate the current implementation into the Scintilla control...

    Edit: I took a look at the code for the custom IntelliSense, and I don't see why it wouldn't work.


    Advantages over using a RichTextBox:

    -Code folding

    -Show white space

    -Line numbers (adjusted for the hidden prepended lines of code?)


    -Word wrap

    -Autocomplete (things not covered by the IntelliSense)

    -Current Line indicator

    -all the other features that Scintilla has

    -Discard all the code hacks to get RichTextBox working as a code editor

    • Upvote 3
  2. I worked on this again last night. Here is a work-in-progress build. This will replace your current version. You may want to rename the filename of the current one. eg: GraphPaper.dll.old
    The organization of the UI is still not ideal.
    -Options for adjusting the Color of the Cells, Groups, and Clusters.
    -Option for background Color (None/Transparent, the Secondary Color, Custom Color)
    -Dash Styles for Cells, Groups, and Clusters (Solid, Dashed, Dotted).
    -- Dash styles may look awful on Isometric (blame GDI; may be an excuse to try using Cairo via libgdiplus)
    ---Download Removed---
    Place both GraphPaper.dll & GraphPaper.dlc in your Effects folder.
    If you don't have midora's Parallel Lines and Patterns installed, you'll need to download it so you'll have the 'OptionBasedLibrary v0.7.9' files.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I think I'm going to have to look into the OptionBasedEffects. I would certainly like something with more features than IndirectUI, but requiring less effort than raw Forms. I would appreciate anyone who has advice on using the OptionBasedEffects posting on Midora's thread on the subject (assuming that's okay with Midora).


    I'm thinking about creating a Visual Studio template/demo Solution. I have other things to get done before I do that though.


    If I might offer a minor suggestion for the Graph Paper effect's UI, I would say omit the "Tabs" label, which seems unnecessary, since it's pretty obvious they're tabs.


    Yeah, "Tabs" is the name of the Property in the code. Since I didn't assign it a Label, it simply used it's literal name.

    I already assigned it a blank Label shortly after those screenshots were posted.

  4. Here's a copy of the source code that's compatible with paint.net v4.0.7+ (when paint.net started using .NET 4.6). I've made some minor changes to the code so that it will compile, and so that it won't crash. No other changes were made.




    This is only meant for educational purposes, so I won't provide a built DLL file. If you want a proper tiling plugin, use the one(s) Boltbait created.

    • Upvote 1
  5. ... May I suggest:

    1. A choice for the color of the thinner lines for the standard grid.

    2. The ability to draw just the grid lines. Either a background opacity slider or use Pdn's secondary color alpha, or copy the src over to use as background.


    1. The reason I didn't do that is simply because additional Color Wheels make the dialog grow too big too fast. Sometimes I wish we could have a double wide IndirectUI with two columns. At one time Rick talked about having tabs in IndirectUI. I think I'm going to learn how to use Midora's OptionBasedEffects; it seems very flexible. If I can get it working with OptionBasedEffects, I'll update it with the new parameters then.

    2. Excellent ideas.




    Didn't take me too long to figure out the basics. Here's what I've cobbled together so far.


    • Upvote 3
  6. Maybe, but this kind of what you call low tech effect is in fact what produces the most satisfying result in several contexts...

    For the method that this plugin is using, what other context is there? None. The Basic Antialias plugin uses a much more complex algorithm to achieve anti-aliasing.


    I think it's useless to ask to Pyjo himself because he didn't show any activity since 2 years.

    That doesn't matter. Pyjo provided the source code, therefore other people/developers have the freedom to modify it. Your best bet is to post there. I easily spotted the lines in his code that deal with the values of the Alpha Channel (what you're calling strength?). I would be willing to help, but you'd need to post over there, and define your idea of 'strength' and 'radius' (I think I understand what you mean, but I want to be sure).


    I'm sure there is a way of performing the same effect of the « scenario » you talked about in a simple plugin.

    You say you're not a developer, and yet you are sure it can be done. Hmm, arrogance and ignorance really do go hand in hand. You'll have to trust me that it will not work in other scenarios/contexts.

    Please don't take that as an insult; it was not meant to be.

  7. I've just noticed that every time at first run when I use Kri's Average blur or drop shadow effect, PDN requests an internet connection in background. Any explanation ?

    Interesting. It's downloading this XML document: http://users.telenet.be/krisvandermotten/Downloads/PaintDotNetEffects.xml


    From looking at the contents of the document, I'm not sure what the purpose of the download would be. I'm guessing Kris was playing with some functionality, and forgot to remove it. Let's wait to hear it from the horse's mouth though.

  8. Any chance for making this built-in antialias as a standalone effect ?

    Sorry, the anti-aliasing in this effect is very low tech, and will only work in this scenario. 


    ... I'm looking for something like the basic anti-alias plugin by pyjo but with customizable values ...

    Which values do want to customize? The alpha values? The add/subtract distances?

    Maybe post the specifics in the forum Topic for Basic Anti-aliasing plugin.

  9. I said it was odd that I was thinking of adding the feature of looking at the only the selected region in a plugin I'm working on. What's odder is that the plugin does pretty much what you're interested in doing. It takes an "object" (a region surrounded by transparency) and extends it by setting each transparent pixel to the color of the nearest non-transparent pixel. It uses a separate surface, but the algorithm is O(n), where n in the number of pixels in the window. I describe the algorithm in my "Fast algorithm for finding the minimum distances to a set" comment.


    (The idea of clamping the edge in this way would work for blurring convex selections, but wouldn't work for some non-convex selections, since the color from one edge could bleed over into another if the blur radius exceeded half the distance between the edges.)


    Thank you. I'll take a close look at this during the weekend when I have plenty of time.


    Concave selections are pretty rare (or maybe it's just me that never makes them), so I don't think that's a big deal.



    ... It only blurs the selected pixels of an irregular selection without the influence of the non-selected pixels...


    Just because the non-selected pixels are transparent, doesn't mean they aren't influencing the selected ones. That's why transparency is bleeding into the blur when your code is run. This is why the clamping is so important.


    The code you posted in regards to the PdnRegion will be helpful though. Much appreciated.

    I'd seen PdnRegion in other people's code before, but I never bothered to see what it did or what it was used for.

  10. ...all it does is fills the image with a load of x: every 16 by 16 cell, i cant see how that translates in to a cell number...

    The XYCoords plugin needs at least 24px to show the cell number. At 16px it's simply being cut off by the adjacent cell.

    Making a numbered ruler to overly on top of a grid (a la BattleShip) would be very straightforward to code. Maybe someone will be nice and make it for you... or you could learn to do it yourself if you're into that sort of thing.

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