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Posts posted by Helio

  1. @Helio: that's waaay too complicated, you're not running for the presidential election...

    Who knows, I'm sure it would be very interesting with CMD as president.... Anyway-- sorry, I have no experience with this sort of thing, so discount my knowledge. :)


    I have to go with Buzzkill. The shadows bending to lay against the other eggs and the wall are quite realistic. The grass is nice too. ^_^

    I think that this first SOTW has clearly shown that it is a very good output for creativity. Great work everyone!

  2. This morning I was sitting down to do some good reading at breakfast, but before doing so I briefly skimmed through the local paper. What should I see but the classic camaro screenshot taking up a quarter of the page and this text:


    The freeware image-editing program Paint.Net offers much of the power of Adobe Photoshop, which costs $649

    Why spend big bucks on Adobe Photoshop, the gold standard for image-editing programs, when you can get Paint.Net (getpaint.net) for free?

    The software puts a wealth of artistic tools at your fingertips, allowing you to create new images from scratch, add special effects to existing images, modify and repair digital photos, and plenty more.

    It even supports layers, a decidedly high-end feature that affords incredible control over how you edit and enhance your images.

    It's a must-have addition to your software arsenal.

    Now is that cool or what? :D

  3. Actually, I think that the Alpha Mask Import plugin that I mentioned above is going to work much better, since you will be cutting out objects. The gradient method works well with boxy things.

    To use the plugin, first understand that everywhere that there is black in the mask will be transparent. Everywhere there is white will be un-altered (opaque). Everything that is in between will be semi-transparent to some degree. So, following those guidelines, make the mask by covering everywhere you want the image to be transparent with black (on a new layer, of course), and every where you would like the pic. to show white. Then, to get smooth blending, blur the mask very slightly. Next, cut the fineshed mask into a new document and save it. On your original picture, open the plugin, select your mask image, and done! ;)

  4. ^Yup.


    First of all, you can use the :LinearGradient: tool to blend edges, to do so click on :AllColorChannels: so that it turns to :AlphaChannel:. Or you can use the Alpha Mask plugin (hmm, I don't see an icon for that).

    Man, i like quoting myself...

    You might want to take a look at the Feather plugin too.

    Unfortunately, the brush you see is the brush you get. As of now.

    ...like an Orb or Powerball in both of his fists, looking like he is channeling Chi with some static...

    Wow, I have no idea what you mean by that. Maybe you want some nice, profesional orbs ;).

  5. I believe Bob was referring to the fact that you could also make each menu/body b.g. a separate image and then position them. Rather than actually cutting a pre-defined image of your website's layout.

    My advice, use a little of both.

    In CMD's case, saving all the headers as transparent .png's causes it to require high-bandwidth. Flattening them to the background and saving them as very lightly compressed .jpg's saves on bandwidth.

    I'm not saying that Dan used the method I mentioned, I was just using the Galaxipad as a demonstration.

    Edit: I didn't see that you had posted. If using PDN, just select the region that you want, cut or copy it and paste it in a new document. Sorry, there is no faster method. :?

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