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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. That sig looks cool - I like how the fact the Xbox and vista logo "link" together. I say go ahead and use it! :arrow: I agree. Very good JS92!
  2. I is awesome? Cool. "Ashwaves" ?? LOL Glad you put into good use, nicely done Yeah...I see a lot of potential in this...I'm going to have to remember it.
  3. I believe there's a couple tuts on the subject...but they are pretty old so you might have to go waaaay back.
  4. Unbelievably. Yes. Phooey. Guess I've got some research to do...
  5. I couldn't agree more. I wrote a recursive-descent parser in compiler design class when I was in college. Of course, you'll need to start by writing a tokenizer... and come up with a language definition... but, after that, it's easy! Is it bad if I'm about to graduate college with a CIS degree...and I have no idea what you're talking about?
  6. @janettsue: Nice job! @aile: That's a pretty good effect! The only thing I would worry about is the frosty stuff on the bottom being bigger than the text on top...i.e. the "O" in frozen...
  7. Copy cat You could also use this tutorial to help get you started It's very comprehensive. Ha ha...posted within seconds of each other. Helpfulness strikes again!
  8. Think of layers like transparent sheets of paper...you can stack them on top of each other and each adds a bit to the picture. I'm too lazy to get detailed...I'd suggest reading the help files to get you started.
  9. Chocolate cake? What? I echo CMD's sentiments...could you be more specific? What do you mean by "locked-down"?
  10. Kill the pixelation on the drawing and you have a winner.
  11. Whoa...saving as a PDN file doesn't preserve the history...it preserves the layers you've created. It's usually good practice to save in this format, for two reasons: a) It saves the layers you've created and all the settings created along with those You don't overwrite your original file, which it looks like you did. Hope that helps!
  12. Imho, sideways things that aren't supposed to be sideways (ie people) are usually not good choices for sigs. In other words, the doctor would look better if he was right side up. Also, the text doesn't differentiate from the background very well...making it difficult to read at a glance.
  13. Good job -Expiration-...I've always been a fan of your stuff.
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