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Posts posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Thanks for the feedback...let me see if I'm getting this straight.

    When you need to have things straight up/down/left/right, disabling the AA is good because it makes the tips of the line sharper and less rounded?

    Also, what do you mean by shading lines? Do you mean (on a black line) having a pixel of grey running along the sides?

  2. Something I've been wondering about for a while: :?

    Could someone explain to me when it is good to disable anti-aliasing ( :AntiAliasingOff: :D ) and when it's good to keep it on? Some tutorials say to disable aa and some don't, so...I know what aa is but was wondering if I could get the experts to explain how to use it well.

    Thanks in advance. 8)

  3. While trying Madjik's version of making wings, I enountered this picture:


    It appears that the grid underneath was somehow showing up through the picture. Anti-aliasing was off for the sprioshape but not the line. There were three layers: a white background, the spiroshape layer, and the line.

    Just a temporary glitch. Didn't go away until I tried again with a new document. For what it's worth... :?

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