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Posts posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Yes, U.S. copyright law is archaic.

    So we're stuck with coding it from scratch or (unlikely) finding an existing effect's source which has been released under a Creative Commons license, or with all rights waived.

    Then perhaps someone from France should code it... ;) jk

  2. Yes yes, I apologize. Life has this uncanny and rather annoying habit of punching you in the face when it's least convenient. Currently on my plate:

    Work - as always

    School - this is Finals week

    Work - Extra duties moving to the new office this week

    Personal - 2 websites, this tutorial, an informative flier, actual personal leisure time

    Hey, I'm just got through that. Sucks. You're excused. Take as much time as you want... :D

  3. An hour and a half of playing around yesterday evening (compression kills):


    Go easy on me guys, I'm new. :roll:

    You quit, and then rejoined? Sorry, I'm slow on things.....

    No... :lol: I was poking fun at people who post a decent picture on the forums and then immediately cry out "don't hurt me! I need an excuse if you don't like it!" ;)

    @Ash: Yeah, realism wasn't the goal...if I had the time I think it could be cooler...

    Elvis the dinosaur. Classic! :D

  4. If your image is an even size, then there is no exact center dot. Try to make a canvas with an even size and make a dot, which doesn't change its position when you flip it. Only if you make four dots on even sizes, you can make it possible. But the effect is called "DotAtCenter". And that is what it does. A dot closest as possible to the center. If you'd find it useful, I could make it do four dots for even sizes. *thinking about coding*
    imho, that's the only thing that's kept me from downloading this yet. :) If you could fix that, I would be forever indebted to you!
  5. on the last page[/i] The_Lionhearted":9a258]

    @jpope: You always use color really well...do you add color using clouds and blurs, or paintbrush and blurs...how many different layers do you have on each of your creations?!?

    Thanks man.

    That last one had 9 layers in the end but was probably closer to 20 layers before merging. Usually I got anywhere from 5-30 layers. For colors, well... I don't use the paintbrush too much, more gradients, layers (quite often difference and overlay), blurs, and clouds for texture. I really just do a lot of playing around until I get something I like.

    That's awesome, man. If you ever feel like sharing a PDN file or something with us so we can learn your secrets see what you do, let me know! :D

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