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Posts posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. My first experience in PDN:

    It started with an email from my boss...
    Hey gang,

    Plan on joining us tomorrow for lunch as we say farewell to our able and hard-working intern, Richard. We will be leaving for a soon-to-be disclosed lunch location for some good food and conversation. I've asked Rich to give me some parting words to communicate to the rest of you. I quote:

    "Thank you for allowing such a great brain as mine to grace your presence here at AECI. I'm sure the reason some of you didn't talk to me this summer was because you were intimidated by my enormous intelligence. Do not fret over these things! I forgive all and I want you to know that when I am running this company someday, I will not hold your past sins against you. Live long and prosper." Richard S

    I'm sure you all have a questions on your minds: "what is next for our superstar?" Well, Rich is also a college student in his free time and will be heading back to school to start off his Junior year. Along those lines, he wanted me to let you know he will be accepting gifts, cash donations and sympathetic looks for the next semester.

    Be sure to say goodbye to our super-wiz kid and don't forget to bring your lunch money tomorrow.


    Then Houston (another programmer) sent out this...he said he found it somewhere...but I have my doubts...


    To which I responded..."No, it's more like this"


    So that was the first image I created in PDN. I didn't know anything about layers, and didn't touch it again until last February...and the rest is history. 8)

  2. You won't use theirs? You already stole your current avatar and sig from some other place! What difference does it make? :P

    Touche. ;)

    Well, I stole it from google images, so I don't feel as bad...

    Phooey. I'm writing myself into a corner. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not quite what I want (looks cool but has no purpose or meaning to me) and I would probably want my next av to represent how I've gotten along in PDN.

    Whew. :D

  3. The newer, bigger, better version of my previous wallpaper:


    I think it makes the other one look like rubbish myself and look the text actually matches the rest of it this time haha.

    Jake, that's excellent. I like how the...er...guy...in the middle looks with the shadow behind him. And how did you do the splatters in the background? Is that an image?

  4. Very clever, Ash...I don't know why stretching the clouds never occurred to me. I must be going senile since I turned 21 yesterday... :P

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