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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Nice. Molecules, I really like it good work. I really like ur sig aswell
  2. Try reinstalling paint.net, and the plugins required again.
  3. Lol, thanks Nab. I got inspired by your sig to tell the truth
  4. http://photography.nationalgeographic.c ... 484-sw.jpg
  5. I knew I forgot something *facepalm* Thanks . Ill work on it tmr.
  6. Thank you both , I have a new idea, i should be done by today/tomorrow.
  7. Nice work on the cartoon. I especially like the kid on the tree.
  8. Thanks Ps. The planet is opaque, i put stars ontop of it. I'm stilltrying to solve it to make it look more realistic.
  9. The planets opaque, i put stars ontop of it. I'm stilltrying to solve it
  10. THATS AMAZING! Awesome work oma. Good way to start off the year.
  11. Thanks HELEN. @ Kemaru: Thanks, and shape 3d, and the rotate/zoom.
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