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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. @AndersM might have some extra insight, if he's got notifications enabled for mentions
  2. Also who are you referring to by "we" ? Us in Paint.NET land? Or are you asking for the sake of another software project you're involved with?
  3. The 3 color masks are meant to be placed after the BITMAPINFOHEADER . You don't put them after BITMAPV5HEADER, which is the newer version of that, because they're built-in (bV5RedMask, etc.) Notice how those are the first 3 "new" fields in BITMAPV5HEADER when compared with BITMAPINFOHEADER.
  4. The problem is that the documentation for these things is not very good, you have to read all of it in order to understand where Microsoft made mistakes 😂 For full context, see this discussion: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/122848-pasting-dibv5-image/ This is also an area where you/I have to find a happy medium between following the specification exactly ("theory"), versus loosening a bit to fit in with how everyone else is doing it ("practice").
  5. I've shared the info with Microsoft so they can hopefully fix it on their end in .NET: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/81799#issuecomment-1826440063 For now I'll disable the use of these profiles for the 5.0.12 update, which I'm hoping to push out next week
  6. Yeah this repros for me when I put the bad profile file into the Optimization folder. Could not have been easier.
  7. Yeah I was in a bad mood, that wasn't exactly a productive response of mine. Thanks for the file! It will help a lot. I'll see if I can use that file to reproduce the problem, which might be some kind of silent crash in .NET itself 🤔 There's an easy fix if I can't figure it out though, which is to just turn off this profile-based startup optimization thing. Startup performance will be worsened, but probably not by too much, and the upcoming v5.1 release will improve on this anyway
  8. You need to update your OS. Windows 10 v1809 is 5 years old, there's no reason to not have it (or newer) installed at this point.
  9. And how do you expect us to investigate your NUC not loading the image ... ? You probably saved it in the wrong format or bit-depth. Make sure you don't use "Auto detect" for the bit-depth, the NUC probably needs a specific bit-depth like 24 or 32.
  10. This could be https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/81799 If I can reproduce the issue then I can fix it for 5.0.12, but I'll need that Startup.1.profile file
  11. The problematic Startup.1.profile file will be key to debugging this. In the meantime you should be able to add the /disablePGO command-line parameter to prevent if from creating or using those files.
  12. Nah; if there was a handle leak, it would just crash. This really does look like GPU video memory corruption, which is generally caused by faulty memory. I've seen this sort of thing before (not in PDN) and that's what it looks like. And it's not surprising that it doesn't always happen, or it only happens after "awhile." Should also make sure the GPU drivers are up-to-date.
  13. This does kind of explain why the app doesn't start up when you give it a file name. There are two startup "profile" files -- the 0 is for when there are no command-line arguments, and the 1 is for when there is. The idea being that the code that gets executed is slightly different for each of those, so it warrants two different startup optimization files. The optimization files are a built-in .NET thing that used to be called Multicore JIT. It records what methods get JITted at startup, and then the second time it kicks off background threads to JIT all those ahead of time. It should be robust in the fast of a corrupt file, but it looks like it is not.
  14. Please just post it as the text itself, not a ZIP file I have to download and unpack and all that
  15. Looks like memory corruption, but can't tell if it's CPU or GPU memory that got corrupted. Does not appear to be the type of corruption coming from an app bug though -- you had the app open long enough you'd have gotten a crash instead (or it would've just vanished without a crash dialog). I think you should run a memory tester -- you can start with the built-in "Windows Memory Diagnostic" program.
  16. Getting the diagnostics info from everyone affected is important. Open Paint.NET (without an image, of course), go to Settings (gear icon at top right), click on the Diagnostics section, then click "Copy to Clipboard", and finally paste it into a reply here. This will get us exact version numbers for the OS, DLLs loaded, etc.
  17. PDN is signed using Microsoft’s own Azure Code Signing service. If their Smart App Control still blocks PDN then this is a Microsoft bug and you need to talk to them.
  18. Well you can upgrade to Windows 11 then. Or don't. Either way you've got your answer.
  19. Oh, I see this happening -- it depends on how fast you press ESC. I'll look into this for the v5.1 release. Thanks!
  20. Works fine here and for everyone else. Stop making demands like "Fix it in the next update." Submit crash logs or any actual information detailing the problem, or don't bother. Vague reports of "it's broken, fix it now" are unhelpful and rude.
  21. Either way, v1809 has been available for 5 years. There's really no good reason to not update your OS within that timeframe, particularly on a personal computer.
  22. I don't see how that could possibly be true. You literally just go to Windows Update and tell it to get updates. In any case, you need the latest version of Paint.NET before we can be of any assistance with anything related to Paint.NET. If that means you have to update your OS, then that's what is needed. Windows 10 v1607 is 7 years old, and v1809 is 5 years old, that's a LOT of time that you've had for doing this sort of thing.
  23. I have no idea why the test adapter is failing like that. Others have seen that same MVID error pop up sometimes when trying to use the WinForms Designer inside of Visual Studio, and it was completely vexing then too. There's something about the way these hosts are loading DLLs that just doesn't work. I'm pretty sure it's a Microsoft bug. Also, I need to make sure you know that Paint.NET's DLLs are not licensed for redistribution or integration -- I'm not worried if you're doing automated tests on your own PC as part of developing a FileType plugin, but you can't (for example) put Paint.NET's DLLs into a public git repo, or use it in a CI system, or bundle it within your own apps or services, etc.
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