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  1. Hi all, I think I have just sussed out the problem! - After cleaning out my registrys, uninstalling and reinsatlling, I even tried repairing and so an and so forth - I then had the same problem with a pdf! Somehow it struck me that Windows and one-drive wasn't saving these files ti the Desktop (where it was showing them) but to One-Drive! Many thanks for ALL your help 🙂
  2. @lemonade - Yep tried that! Even tried associating with another program (that worked) and then reassociating with Paint.net. @tactilis -What does happen - it thinks about it for a while - then nothing. The only thing that may of happened is a standard Windows update Windows 10
  3. When are my pictures no longer opening Paint.net has been my preferred editor for a good while - now , my pc dosen't recognise it. I can still open Panit.net and search for my picture - but that's not as convenient as double clicking on the file I uninstalled and re-installed Paint.net, and it did open the picture ONCE! Can anyone help, please [Moderator action: Merged @Lollard's post into this related post]
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