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Problems updating from v3.30 to v3.31

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I have been using PDN now quite happily for about 6 months and have never had any problems with the update. However PDN tried to update itself today from 3.30 to 3.31 and is having major problems.

It is looking for the PaintDotNet_351236676.msi file and cannot find it. Neither can I. I have tried to uninstall v3.30 but I cannot because it is looking for the same file.

My version of DotNet framework is up to date and I have read through several of the treads on here, I just can't get it to work, update or uninstall.

I also got error code 1603 and told that FileType\DdsFileType.dll is missing.

Any help would much appreciated.


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I used the auto update in the programme first then it all went wrong so I attempted to update from the website. Still wouldn't work so tried to uninstall, no luck. Tried using Windows remove programme. Still no luck. So I joined the forum and I'm hoping this will resolve my problems. :D

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i get a 1603 error as well when updating to 3.31. its seems to have uninstalled the old version but it can't install the new version.

here's a screenshot:


im using vista and have .net framework 2.0 installed. i tried repairing it but that didn't work.

is this an error with paint.net or my computer?

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A bit more info.

When I run PdnRepair and cancel the search for the missing file I get this:


Also I have updated PDN probably 4 or 5 times before without any issues. I have not recently installed any new sorftware. The last one was RawTherapee which was after my last update.

If you need any other info let me know.


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"The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it."

Did you move the directory that Paint.NET was installed in? That's a common source of this error. For example, you installed to C:\Program Files\Paint.NET and then moved it to D:\Paint.NET or something.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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No. I've searched everything and all the paint dot net files seem to be in the programme files folder.

Is there some way I can uninstall PDN and reinstall the new version??

Found this in my Temp folder.



11/05/2008 17:21:54 - Opening log

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[0] = /delete

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[1] = DESKTOPSHORTCUT=1

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[2] = PDNUPDATING=0

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[3] = SKIPCLEANUP=1

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[4] = PROGRAMSGROUP=

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - args[5] = QUEUENGEN=1

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - /delete specified, setting delete=true

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - setting queueNgen=true

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - Starting ngen queueing

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - InstallAssembly(FileTypes\DdsFileType.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "DdsFileType" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - InstallAssembly(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:54 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(Interop.WIA.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "Interop.WIA" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Base.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Base" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Core.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Core" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Data.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Data" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Effects.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Effects" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.exe, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Resources.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Resources" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.StylusReader.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.StylusReader" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.dll, True, True, False)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.SystemLayer" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(Interop.WIA.dll, True, True, True)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "Interop.WIA" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - InstallAssembly(WiaProxy32.exe, True, True, True)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - run:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "WiaProxy32" /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - Finished with ngen queueing

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - setting createDesktopShortcut=true

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - setting skipCleanup=true

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - set programsShortcutGroup=

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - GetSpecialFolderPath(25)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - SHGetFolderPath(32793)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - SHGetFolderPath returning C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - GetSpecialFolderPath(csidl=25) returning C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - GetSpecialFolderPath(23)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - SHGetFolderPath(32791)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - SHGetFolderPath returning C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - GetSpecialFolderPath(csidl=23) returning C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - linkName=Paint.NET

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - description=Create, edit, scan, and print images and photographs.

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - desktopLinkPath=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Paint.NET.lnk

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - programsShortcutDir=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - programsLinkPath=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.NET.lnk

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - workingDirectory=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - targetPath=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - about to register shell extension

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - ... 32-bit

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - shellExtensionPaths[0] = C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\ShellExtension_x86.dll

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - ... unregister shell extension

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - ... 0: CLSID\{D292F82A-50BE-4351-96CC-E86F3F8049DA}

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - Exception while deleting: System.ArgumentException: Cannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteSubKeyTree(String subkey)

at PaintDotNet.SetupNgen.MainImpl(String[] args)

11/05/2008 17:21:55 - Closing log


11/05/2008 17:47:33 - Opening log

11/05/2008 17:47:33 - args.Length was less than 5 -- exiting

11/05/2008 17:47:33 - Closing log


11/05/2008 17:47:35 - Opening log

11/05/2008 17:47:36 - args.Length was less than 5 -- exiting

11/05/2008 17:47:36 - Closing log

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Ok. I have searched for the missing .msi file and it is no where to be found. I'm positive it hasn't been deleted because I always check before emptying my recycle bin.

Here is all the files in the Staging folder of Paint.net:


Is there any way of getting the PaintDotNet_351236676.msi file? I have googled it and found nowt.

I also tried downloading and installing v3.30 agian to see if it had that file but to no avail.

Thanks for all the help so far.


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Righty ho.

I've just manually removed all the pdn files/folders I could find. I can restore them if needs be. However I still cannot reinstall PDN and in the "Add/Remove Programs" PDN 3.30 is still registered and I cannot remove because it still cannot find "PaintDotNet_351236676.msi" which I'm beginning to think ever existed? Don't know what else to try really.

Any help much appreciated.


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Good news tis fixed.

Was re-reading "Problems with install update or uninstall" http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=854

and spotted the link to Windows Installer Clean up Utility http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;290301.

All is now well. And I feel like a right bloody idiot.

Ah well Live and LEARN! Yet another lesson in how NOT to read the help and support.

Cheers Zach

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