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Keitra's Gallery!!!


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Woohoo, I finally got unlazy enough to post some of my work. I'm a sort of newbie, so please be nice!


^ that is a picture of a rose I took, and then made the background black and white, and recolored the rose because I wanted the rose to stand out more, and the background was ugly and filled with decaying leaves and stuff... so I also gausion blurred the background.

OH, and using a raindrop/waterdrop tut, I added a couple of water drops on it, but they're not exactly that noticeable.. :D

and i have a few more actually interesting and recently made things coming later, like tomorrow or something... so, please comment or whatever!!!

I enjoy feedback, and if there is any way you think i could improve these please do tell because I would love to make my graphics better!!!!! :D

UPDATE :*January 28*:

I have been tinkering around a bit with my laptop and it has this really cool inspiron background, so i thought, hey? why can't i create that with MY name?! so i did!!!

anyways, here are my attempts:












ahhemm... anouncing dundundundun! the greatest banner of all times....


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Thanks so much!

I've actually had paint.net for a while, but was a bit reluctant to post the things I have made because I want to make sure they're all polished enough and worth showing the world..


ahhemm... anouncing dundundundun! the greatest banner of all times....


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