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No airbrush??? And you call this a painting application?

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I've tried Paint.net for the fist time, and I don't understand what the fuss is all about.

It doesn't have the most basic features of 2d paint software from 10 years ago: it doesn't have even an AIRBRUSH. I can understand the lack of alpha channels, masks, gradient tools... but offering only "one" paint tool (the pencil) is hilarious. I never painted anything with the pencil tool in my life.

Even my freeware copy of Paint Shop from the 1996 is way better that this software.

On the first page it says that this is only an university project made by a couple of students. I'm afraid to say that it shows.

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There's the Paint Brush too...

But seriously, if you don't like it, uninstall it! It's not like it cost you anything to where you need to insult the devs like that. If you like your Paint Shop better, use it!

Geez. You give something away and people still find things to criticize...

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I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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There's the Paint Brush too...

The "Paintbrush" tool is just a pencil with an adjustable width (and some b/w patterns). And it's a joke: when the brush transparency is on, a width of even 10px make the pattern interrupted by bold points at every change of direction. I don't remember a painting algorithm so bad from maybe the first painting programs on the IBM PCs.

Geez. You give something away and people still find things to criticize...

That's not the point. If you make a paint program and you do not set as your first priority tools like the airbrush, then you don't understand anything about graphics and painting. Ask every professional computer artist if you don't believe me. So, it's better to spend your time on some other kind of apps, where maybe you can be useful and not make going backward the entire painting software field just to show up your C# proficiency.

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George, I'm afraid you have missed the point completely.

I believe that who missed the point here are you.

You wrote this on the front page:

"Originally intended as a free replacement for the MS Paint software that comes with Windows, it has grown into a powerful yet simple tool for photo and image editing."

Well, it's not true. I'm afraid, Rick, that Paint.Net is still just a free replacement for MSPaint, and it have not grown into a powerful photo editing app. Because, I can assure you, the day that someone will be able to do photo editing and retouching without an airbrush, I will sell my left arm and go fishing for a life...

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It seems as though all you want to do is pick a fight here. You won't find one. If you continue to post in this fashion you will be banned from this forum.

Paint.NET is a free application that is continually evolving. If you don't like it, then don't use it.

This thread is dead.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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