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I need basic copy & pasting help!

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once you've got everything outlined, you use the magic wand to select the interior of your outline. With the interior selected, press Ctrl-I to invert the selection, or alternatively click the edit tab, and select "Invert Selection".

Then simply press the Delete key on your keyboard and everything outside your outline should disappear.

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once you've got everything outlined, you use the magic wand to select the interior of your outline. With the interior selected, press Ctrl-I to invert the selection, or alternatively click the edit tab, and select "Invert Selection".

Then simply press the Delete key on your keyboard and everything outside your outline should disappear.

I tried this and the whole image disapeared, only I traced around the part I want to cut out with the eraser tool like it was explained in one of the other tuts, and selected the eraser marks with the magic wand, then inverted, and pressed delete.

I am also new.

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you select the part that is outlined, then Ctrl-I to invert. Look at the flashing lines and it shows you what part is currently selected...you want the flashing lines around the whole outside of the screen, as well as around the outlined portion when you press delete.

If the flashing lines are only around the outlined area, then that area will be the portion deleted.

Also make sure you select the background layer, not the new layer with your outline on it...

hope that helps

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Apparently, I am a total idiot! I tried this, and I am still having problems. If I use the round or rectangle select tools, I can do this fine, but that won't work for what I am trying to do.

Anyway, I have my background image. I tried working with just that by outlining what I want to cut out with the eraser tool. Inverted and pressed delete. The whole picture disappeared.

I tried severl different ways of trying to add a new layer and working between the two, but I still either loose the whole image, or I am only left with what looks like a sketch, which consists of being only the portion of the picture where the eraser was used.

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I have come to realize something! :idea:

I can use all of the selection tools: laso; the different shapes (circle, etc.) with the method explained above, where you have your background (your picture) and then add a new layer, highlight that layer, use the selection tool and invert, go back and highlight the background layer then delete. These all work.

However, when I try to use the eraser tool in the new layer, it will not work there. Am I doing something wrong with the tool? Or is there a specific reason for this?

Please explain.

What I am trying to do is; outline the area I want to keep with the eraser, then select the erased outline with the magic wand, invert (all in the new layer) go back to the background layer and erase the rest of the picture. But the eraser will not work in the new layer, only on the background layer.

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