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more drawing tut?

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what are you alls thoughts about creating more drawing tuts? i mean instead of here is how you create a face with shape 3D, something like how to hand draw a portrait. although similar topics the concept is the opposite, ive been on photoshop forums where ive seem similar tuts, since this is my drawing style id love to make some as well as try some others have made, i posted a sample in the pictorium.

any thoughts about the idea of more drawing based tuts?

edit: any thoughts?


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what are you alls thoughts about creating more drawing tuts? i mean instead of here is how you create a face with shape 3D, something like how to hand draw a portrait. although similar topics the concept is the opposite, ive been on photoshop forums where ive seem similar tuts, since this is my drawing style id love to make some as well as try some others have made, i posted a sample in the pictorium.

any thoughts about the idea of more drawing based tuts?

edit: any thoughts?

I didn't use 3d shape when I made that face basics I put in the tut section. that was straight line drawing and doing contours using gradiants, and gasiaun blurs

look at these and then post your questions under my basic facial contours so all the answeres get kept in the one spot.

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o wow very nice oma, i actually have a collection of drawing books :P i just mastered the cartoons first :P, i wasnt just talking about portraits though, i just ment in general, i mean i no some people do this but i dont see as many drawings tuts as other tuts, i actually posted a couple the other.


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perhaps there are not so many tuts on basic drawing as the tut forum is for using the plugins effectively and to stimulate ideas. true artists don't usually follow draw your line here and this curve here and ta da! we have art. These plugins come about by requests from artistic people trying to acheive a specific idea within their picture.

use 3d or not the tut still reafirms the use of basic shapes, circle, cylinder or box. a 3d triangle can be done with lightrays. I can not think of anyone on this board that doesn't at least realize that these shapes are in everydrawing. the best teacher of art is what your own two eyes observe. the easiest way to improve is practise practise practise.

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Beside, tuts here should be for teaching how to use Paint.NET effects and such.

Not art class which teaches one to draw.

One would be enough, no need to make new topics asking if others want tuts, or flooding the tut section with same idea on different variations.


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sorry ash and oma, just trying to help :cry:, *oma and ash send k.digennaro back in his corner* :cry:

i guess the reason this is so interesting to me and the reason i wouldnt mind seeing more like this, is simply because this is my style, i enjoy teaching, maybe ill think of another tut, thats PDN related.


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as Ash said no need to be sorry,

and no need to rush into a tut. Having 5 or 10 mediocre tuts doesn't even equal one tut that really inspires, and adds to the ability of people to use the program.

Personally my opinion is you are mistaken in thinking that a tut measures the quality of your art work. Your work will speak for itself. Even more so the value of you to the forum will be in people seeing what rate you draw now and at what rate you can work with this program say in 6 months. . The major idea is to better your own art thru learning new ideas not repeating old tried and true comfortable things.

I have found the best work and greatest growth artwise comes from challenges outside your comfort zone.

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thanks for all the advice guys, it really doesn't go unnoticed to me and the PDN community, im assuming you guys know that, but from my experience here, all the members make the community, but there has to be some one behind the wheel driving it, i think people like ash, oma, rick, and bolt bait really stand out, as well as many other members, these are just the ones that have personally helped me a lot.

Thanks for everything, Im always here to return the favor.



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