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What can you do exactly with Paint.net?

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Hi there, i'm new here. And I have a few questions:

For a while, I had Paint Shop Pro.. and I loved to make blends and stuff.

So my questions are.. can you make blends with Paint.net? Add brushes and stuff? And if you can, how do you do that?

Another question: Is paint.net free? Or do you get just a free trial?

Hope to get an answer soon.


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This is non-final release and will expire on March 12th, 2006, although an update will be available before then. The final release will not expire.

Besides, it's released under MIT Licence: it's free like a bird and free like a beer.

If you ask about Blend Modes between layers, yes it has, just double-click on a layer on the layer window.

I guess we can't add brushes or so yet.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Another question: Is paint.net free? Or do you get just a free trial?
Paint.NET v2.6 is going through the last stages of stabilization before it is labeled as "done". The final release should be out on March 1st, will not expire, and will still be free.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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