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Just wanted to post and congratulate Paint.net on a excellent piece of software. As someone who is mainly involved with vector applications, coming to P.N to do some work on an image was a breath of fresh air when compared to what I had used previously for similar touch up work.

One question I have is regarding the eraser tool. I wanted to blend an overlaid object to the background and couldn't find a way of adjusting the opacity for the eraser to fade the edges, is this not available as yet and is it planned for the future?


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One question I have is regarding the eraser tool. I wanted to blend an overlaid object to the background and couldn't find a way of adjusting the opacity for the eraser to fade the edges, is this not available as yet and is it planned for the future?

Right now, you can't fade out edges directly, but there is a workaround. I know there's a post in another topic somewhere that details it, but I can't remember where, so I'll just post it again:

1. You'll need two plugins for this one:

BoltBait's Transparency Adjustment plugin,

BoltBait's Channel Blur plugin

Download and install those two plugins, then continue.

2. Follow this tutorial up through Step 5.

3. Once the outline is drawn on the scratch layer, choose the Magic Wand and click inside the outline, then select the original layer. Uncheck the box next to the scratch layer to hide it.

4. Press Ctrl+I to invert the selection, so that everything but your subject is selected. Next, choose Adjustments -> Transparency and slide the slider all the way to the left. This will hide the pixels, but preserve their color information for later.

5. Press Ctrl+D to deselect. Select Effects -> Blurs -> Gaussian Blur Channel. The default setting is Alpha blurring, and that's the one you'll need. Adjust the Blur Amount slider until it blends well.

The blur fades both ways, so if it blurs into the subject too much, you could try selecting outside the outline straight away in Step 3, after which you would not need to invert the selection.

This will blur the transparency outline around your subject without blurring the image. I hope that helps!

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I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

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