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So I want to make a layout for my web page but paint.net lacks the save as images and html as well as the slice function photoshop has. I know this isn't a clone or even close to it. Is there any other way to do this such as plugin or other program?


No, sorry. You can create the images in Paint.NET, save them in any common and widely accepted format, but then take your coding necessities elsewhere.

Is there any other way to do this such as plugin or other program?



...plus many others. Although, I am not too certain about what those 'others' are, but I'm sure someone else here will.

Actually, I lie. You can slice your images up, you'll still have to code elsewhere, but slice you can. Use the selection tools to select which part you want to slice out (in the 3.20 Beta, there is the function for fixed sized selection and fixed ratio selection, if that helps), cut then paste onto a new canvas. The corresponding keyboard shortcuts and menu commands are as follows:

- S;

- Ctrl + X;

- Ctrl + Alt + V;

- Ctrl + S.


- Selection Tool;

- Edit > Cut;

- Edit > Paste in to new Image;

- File > Save.

Does all this help in any way?

Since when do you save an image as HTML? :?

No one ever said they were saving an image as HTML... They said that Photoshop has the ability to slice up an image into multiple parts and create the proper HTML layout to use those images in a webpage. And they were asking if there's a way to do that in Paint.NET.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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...and create the proper HTML layout to use those images in a webpage...

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say "proper"... :P

If you have PhotoShop write the output HTML for you, it usually ends up as a tabled layout grid of bunches of smaller images. Not semantic, not accessible, not pretty, nor easy to edit. Using PhotoShop to slice is fine when you just have it output the images (several of my co-workers do this often), but having it write the HTML for you is not recommended. It hurts the Internet. :(

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

...and create the proper HTML layout to use those images in a webpage...

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say "proper"... :P

If you have PhotoShop write the output HTML for you, it usually ends up as a tabled layout grid of bunches of smaller images. Not semantic, not accessible, not pretty, nor easy to edit. Using PhotoShop to slice is fine when you just have it output the images (several of my co-workers do this often), but having it write the HTML for you is not recommended. It hurts the Internet. :(

By proper I only meant it'll look right in a browser. By no means would I ever say that any WYSIWYG HTML editor would create properly-written HTML, especially a program that's not even designed for HTML...


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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